you wanna throw, i am in the chatroom ready to receive all kinds of shit from you. YOu can throw all you want. Isn;t that better? I can blast all shit to sinkie at the chatroom. and that is live.
The perception is this. Sinkie are a balless cowards. They are stuck insinkieland and get screwed by the govt and the woman charter.
Now i am doing an experiment here. to check out if sinkies behave like that.
All the while i am shitting at sinkie becasue sinkie behave like that.
Since you dun think sinkies like that and you disagree with me, then now is the time to prove that you are not like that. since you are the voice of all singaporean and that means you are not a coward and dare to stand for your believe.
I am not even ask you to come out face to face to meet me. I am just showing up in the chatroom and yet you dun even dare to stand up that you are not a sinkie.
Throw shit at me??? come on i have proof that in bkk, sinkie behave like an ass. i see that everyday. Since you stand up so firmly but throwing you shit at me, that means that you are not what i have say about sinkie.
but why you dun even dare to get in to chatroom? just only a click, nothing wrong right?