A HDB flat must be low cost enough for new families or new applicants to start up with. Everyone wants to make some money or even profit out of HDB flats. Spiralling prices makes those old timers happy. They buy at 20-30K many years ago and now looking at over 10 times of profit. This generation buy at 400K and can they even look at selling twice that much in future?
I was at a coffeeshop this morning saw this group of elderly talking. There was 1 who mentioned that the policy of disallowing HDB buyers from having private properties overseas. I am not sure where he got the demographics but his explanation was, the HDB are smart. They found out a lot of Malays cashing off their HDB flats in Singapore and use the cash money to buy properties in Malaysia. Back in Singapore, they again buy a HDB flat and borrow max from HDB. Sometimes involving deferment of payment. HDB flats cannot be mortgaged or do any re-financing like pte properties. That's why in order to cash out is to sell away and buy another.
If that is the case, then its really very sad. And I don't think it involves Malays only but also other races as well.