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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
hard to tell, nowdays got more and more variations, they keep mutating, from the simple butch to complex non binary, prime integers parasexuals, lol

This specimen is an example of non-binary post gender fluid neutral androgynous variant....person?


I live my life grabbing a penis with my hands. Anything under my control is never out of control.
Dearest Claire, I would love you grabbing my penis. You can have all the control and dominate me all over. You can be the teacher and I am your student. I love play acting during sex. Please PM me asap. I can't wait for your grabbing.


Dearest Claire, I would love you grabbing my penis. You can have all the control and dominate me all over. You can be the teacher and I am your student. I love play acting during sex. Please PM me asap. I can't wait for your grabbing.

she jin high end one, chiu got lorlac, orlimah karchng, puigek, vachitsu consterman, hootboh boh?


I don't know why other people's husbands or boyfriends "taste" better. Or perhaps I am born with Scarlet's primal chromosomes. With age, these chromosomes evolve and create palpable desires within me, to "own" what others possess.

Whether you are a woman or a man, we are all seekers. We seek for luxurious homes, cars, gadgets and handsome man/men (or beautiful woman/women). We want to achieve and fulfill our dreams in life. We want to be the very best for ourselves, and be better than the next woman or man amongst our social circle.

I am no different. I am a seeker too.

Those who do not know me would prefer to call me a SLUT.

I am perfectly fine. In fact, I am proud to be called a slut. A slut differs from a prostitute or whore. The latter involves a monetary transaction. A slut seeks and receives pleasure. There isn't any monetary income and expenses involved.

When I hear acquaintances or strangers' gossip about me being a slut, I am never upset. In fact, I am delighted because it manifests my desirability to their boyfriends and husbands. I feel omnipotent, invincible and unconquerable.

The unglam, oversized, overweight and morbid aunties will never understand, or have or even possess my wonderful Scarlet's chromosomes. It isn't my fault that I get to enjoy their husbands or boyfriends. They should be looking at themselves and ask why they lack my physical, intellectual and emotional X-factor attributes.

As for the single mother, who is probably in all likeness an over hydrated deformed Boba pearl, you shouldn't blame others for your own defective and deficient DNA. Ask (or rather blame) yourself why your husband dump you for a Scarlet. Obviously you are lacking.

The self professed near menopausal virgin isn't any better. You should stop your hallucinations. You can't be a Snow White just by being a virgin. You should stop asking the Magic Mirror the same old boring lines - "Magic Mirror in my hand, who is the fairest in the land?". Otherwise, your testicular feminization syndrome might transform you into a Sadako Yamamura, and you will end up crawling out of a TV set.

I guess I must be watching too many movies, TV dramas and Disney animations. The scenes just pop out of nowhere, in my hyper active brain when I write. But in reality, I read more than I watch.

Reading is what I do often. Reading is no different from having sexual intimacies. You have to develop a reading habit from young and achieve the ability to read a book from the first page to last, without feeling like it's a chore. Up to a certain point in time, this ability to read develops naturally, and you enjoy the pleasures of doing it over and over again.

And it's the same with sexual intimacies. The more I indulge in it with men I desire, the more instinctive I become. And I get to choose whoever I want, and whenever I want it. It's a powerful lifeskill tool that the single mother and the near menopausal virgin will never acquire in their lifetime, even if they sign up for a million and one Skills Futures upgrading courses.

To conclude, I live my life grabbing a penis with my hands. Anything under my control is never out of control.

Good night and I hope you had a happy Mid Autumn festival today.
Two questions:

1. Why do you persist in attacking the single mother? Did a single mother step on your toes or stole a man from your "evil" clutches?

2. From the contents of your posts and your command of language, you probably grew up in an "elite" or sort of privileged family background. Being privileged doesn't give you a right to look down at the less privileged souls in society. Don't you ageee?


Two questions:

1. Why do you persist in attacking the single mother? Did a single mother step on your toes or stole a man from your "evil" clutches?

2. From the contents of your posts and your command of language, you probably grew up in an "elite" or sort of privileged family background. Being privileged doesn't give you a right to look down at the less privileged souls in society. Don't you ageee?

or she cld be a hawker selling yew char kway


I don't know why other people's husbands or boyfriends "taste" better. Or perhaps I am born with Scarlet's primal chromosomes. With age, these chromosom

can not than always having the same old boring KKJ
must try some new KKJ

it is exactly same to me regarding CB
always curious to discover some new CBs


IGNORED :: @ginfreely.

Hi Clare,

No matter how and what, you are still betterest than that cheapest despicable and shameless Slut and Whore, ginfreely.

She is The Cheapest Whore from here to India, Iran and Iraq.
Then, she will burn in Hell and get gang-raped again by all the Devils below.

Only pity her Pahang Whore mother for giving birth to her.

And Dont be dumb&dumber and a Stupid cunt to reply
when you are
Ignored--I cant see, I cant read. GO FCUK YOURSELF.

Last edited:


Two questions:

1. Why do you persist in attacking the single mother? Did a single mother step on your toes or stole a man from your "evil" clutches?

2. From the contents of your posts and your command of language, you probably grew up in an "elite" or sort of privileged family background. Being privileged doesn't give you a right to look down at the less privileged souls in society. Don't you ageee?
I seldom post a rejoinder.

But alas, your persistent slander and innuendo, in furtherance of the single mother, consecrating her life to her fatherless daughter, has finaly caught my eye.

I have only a word for a stupid liberal crackpot like you, as your unmerited comments doesn't deserve a response.

Here you go.


And, please, get out of my elite uncaring face.

Have a fabulous weekend, if you are also a single parent or mother!

At least I know I would be enjoying myself and wouldn't be reading nursery rhymes tonight!


I seldom post a rejoinder.

But alas, your persistent slander and innuendo, in furtherance of the single mother, consecrating her life to her fatherless daughter, has finaly caught my eye.

I have only a word for a stupid liberal crackpot like you, as your unmerited comments doesn't deserve a response.

Here you go.


And, please, get out of my elite uncaring face.

Have a fabulous weekend, if you are also a single parent or mother!

At least I know I would be enjoying myself and wouldn't be reading nursery rhymes tonight!

wat a nasty rebuttal, tit for tit, u most definitely fit into this virtual realm of toxicity like a condom clinging snugly to a dick, lol


mirror mirror on the wall
whose the sluttiest of them all
me me please say me
for i am harlot the chitzu of all mother-fucking whores :biggrin:


mirror mirror on the wall
whose the sluttiest of them all
me me please say me
for i am harlot the chitzu of all mother-fucking whores :biggrin:

comparatively speaking she is still a far cry away from the queen mother of all sluts @ginfreely, on the Nasty-O-Meter Scale :biggrin: ..but since theres only the 2 of them vying, she cums in a close 2nd and gets the silver medal :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
wat a nasty rebuttal, tit for tit, u most definitely fit into this virtual realm of toxicity like a condom clinging snugly to a dick, lol
Menopause is indeed a bitch, and it is clearly and succinctly demonstrated here.
When the abalone goes dry, the aggression level goes sky-high.


Menopause is indeed a bitch, and it is clearly and succinctly demonstrated here.
When the abalone goes dry, the aggression level goes sky-high.

women in their 30s are the horniest, their chitsu crave for cock, coz they know its now or never, and better late than never :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
comparatively speaking she is still a far cry away from the queen mother of all sluts @ginfreely, on the Nasty-O-Meter Scale :biggrin: ..but since theres only the 2 of them vying, she cums in a close 2nd and gets the silver medal :biggrin:
women in their 30s are the horniest, their chitsu crave for cock, coz they know its now or never, and better late than never :biggrin:
She is definitely hitting 50.