I went to MBS after work Mon
- not too bad as more-or-less ended at break-even levels WITHOUT heavy losses tonight {very good already}
- in fact I WAS up several times but prolonged play wiped out the profits ...
Tonight the Fruits & 777s (Gold & Glitter) gave quite decent progressives and payouts - played a while there before focussing on the nearby 4-in-1 Gold & Silver slots [had fun tonight with quite-generous Free Games & more free games]
On my way towards L1 [intending to go home 'earlier' tonight], saw the rescue spin slots were 'empty' and played the Panda slots BUT these were not paying me tonight so I stopped after very brief stint
An old lady sat down and must have accidentally pressed Max Bet on 1st spin but it was a very lucky 'accident' for her bc she got LOTS of credits {>$300} from her $50

Cashed out my tickets and then couldn't resist the 'empty unoccupied' Power Platinum PP slots at L1
SO did my FAST Rotated Hit & Run strategy play there
Again not a bad night with PP as managed to recover several hundred dollars there
Got the Power Games to appear by using my 'forced-rotating credits strategy' - as usual the PowerSpins were better than the PowerSwitches
But AGAIN can only reach up to 2nd/3rd level from the bottom
No more those Good Old Days when can reach the 2nd level from the top

So tonight SOME of the slots did pay me

Not sure WHEN my next trip will be - before next 2 Fri's hotel check-in ....
At least today I was in a 'good mood' and it was supposedly a 'good day for me'
BTW - my friend has suddenly decided she's no longer keen on genting
She'll be emailing me 'cheaper' 3D2N packages for consideration tomorrow
I WAS thinking of Macau as alternative but those are not that cheap compared to genting .....
- not too bad as more-or-less ended at break-even levels WITHOUT heavy losses tonight {very good already}
- in fact I WAS up several times but prolonged play wiped out the profits ...
Tonight the Fruits & 777s (Gold & Glitter) gave quite decent progressives and payouts - played a while there before focussing on the nearby 4-in-1 Gold & Silver slots [had fun tonight with quite-generous Free Games & more free games]
On my way towards L1 [intending to go home 'earlier' tonight], saw the rescue spin slots were 'empty' and played the Panda slots BUT these were not paying me tonight so I stopped after very brief stint
An old lady sat down and must have accidentally pressed Max Bet on 1st spin but it was a very lucky 'accident' for her bc she got LOTS of credits {>$300} from her $50

Cashed out my tickets and then couldn't resist the 'empty unoccupied' Power Platinum PP slots at L1
SO did my FAST Rotated Hit & Run strategy play there
Again not a bad night with PP as managed to recover several hundred dollars there
Got the Power Games to appear by using my 'forced-rotating credits strategy' - as usual the PowerSpins were better than the PowerSwitches
But AGAIN can only reach up to 2nd/3rd level from the bottom
No more those Good Old Days when can reach the 2nd level from the top

So tonight SOME of the slots did pay me

Not sure WHEN my next trip will be - before next 2 Fri's hotel check-in ....
At least today I was in a 'good mood' and it was supposedly a 'good day for me'
BTW - my friend has suddenly decided she's no longer keen on genting
She'll be emailing me 'cheaper' 3D2N packages for consideration tomorrow
I WAS thinking of Macau as alternative but those are not that cheap compared to genting .....