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skponggol and the WP Thread


Re: The Hammer continues to focus on frivolous issues

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: The Hammer continues to focus on frivolous issues

In England, u have the Labour Party, which is the centre-left in its political postion versus the Conservative Party which is centre-right in its position. In America, u have the democrat vs the conservative. Whatever it is, there's two different side. But here? We have both major political parties in the conservative, or right camp or whatever u call it.

Whatever the case, it doesn't mean the citizens are happy as the same citizens vote out the party they vote in only five years earlier. It has a lot more to do with the competency than the ideology of the party that the citizens perceive. Competency should be the primary difference between PAP and WP or between PAP and SDP, not ideology.

Its not the population which is conservative by nature by default. The problem is this country, most people are being brainwashed by the PAP. That the PAP way is the correct way. The best general direction.

This is a motherhood statement. Of course we know the population was never conservative by default. Asians have 4000 years of history. Had citizens picked Barisan, they wouldn't be conservative. But because they picked a conservative party, over many years the atmosphere became conservative.


Re: The Hammer continues to focus on frivolous issues

我正忙著,先給你一個簡單回應。不同政黨在同樣一個政治陣營,會產生group think效應。同樣陣營底下,同樣裡念,太過安逸,不能夠產生有效的競爭,腦筋激盪。最後國家就變成沒有應變能力,變得大家都不稱職了。



Re: Be happy! WP Happiness proposal received strong endorsement from a happy ruler


Prayut: 'Democracy would see poorer people dominate Thailand election, again.'

'The military-appointed leader of Thailand, Prayut Chan-o-cha, said Monday evening that it was unacceptable to allow his successors to be chosen in open elections, in part because doing so would risk giving poorer residents, especially the over 80% farmers, a dominant voice in politics.

Gen Prayut made the statement during a broad-ranging defense of his military's secret collaboration with the anti-democracy protests that have disrupted the kingdom for more than three years.

In an interview with a small group of journalists from American and European news media organizations, his first with foreign media since his junta had banned all demonstrations, he acknowledged that many of the farmers are angry over the lack of infrastructure development in their villages and fair price for their harvest. But he argued that containing populist pressures was an important reason for resisting the poors' demands for fully open elections.

Instead, he backed the anti-Democrats' position that all candidates to succeed him as PM, the top post in the kingdom, must be screened by a “broadly representative” nominating committee appointed by His Majesty. That screening, he said, would insulate candidates from popular pressure to create a welfare state, and would allow the kingdom government to follow more business-friendly policies to address economic inequality instead.

Gen Prayut's blunt remark reflect a widely held view among the Bangkok elites that the general public cannot be trusted to govern the kingdom well. His statements appeared likely to draw fresh criticisms from the democratic opposition, and to inflame the struggle over Thailand's political future.'

'Gen Prayut warned that if parliamentarians were voted by the public, the population that earns less than the median monthly salary of 18,000 Bahts could dominate the process.

“If it’s entirely a numbers game and numeric representation, then obviously you’d be talking to the half of the people in Thailand who earn less than 18,000 Bahts a month,” Gen Prayut said.

Thailand has one of the world’s biggest wealth gaps and one of the world’s lowest rice prices (lower than India, Vietnam and even Cambodia before Thaksin implemented the popular rice subsidies scheme), factors that have increased the frustration of poor farmers.

Gen Prayut also warned that regardless of the election process, His Majesty has the right to decide whether or not to appoint the winner. “You could imagine the scale and the kind of constitutional crisis if His Majesty said to the people of Thailand, ‘Sorry, this person who you just elected is not appointable and is not acceptable. Go back to the polling station and try again,’ ” he said.'

'Gen Prayut's latest comments are likely to further fuel the anger of urban poors and rural farmers who see him as hapless, out of touch and pandering to the whims of a small number of tycoons who dominate the Bangkok financial hub.

His quotes also echo that of Prem, a well-connected politician and regular adviser to the palace.

Prem said recently that greater democratic freedom in the semi-feudal, semi-democratic kingdom must be balanced against the kingdom's powerful Bangkok business elite who would have to share their “slice of the pie” with voters.

“The Bangkok business community is in reality a very small group of elites in Thailand who control the destiny of the economy in Thailand. If we ignore their interests, Thailand capitalism will stop working” he said in August.'

Happiness PM : "When I draw a sword… the Red Shirts will be afraid and faint."

On the sword: Martial law
On the sign held by Thaksin in the background: Pretend to be afraid and faint
[The cartoon reflects the belief that the Red Shirts are being purposely restrained by Thaksin and not because they fear martial law or wish reconciliation. Reports indicate that Thaksin ordered his Red Shirt supporters to keep silent during the junta government period and wait until a future time when elections will return his political party to power.]

Meanwhile, his heroic story continues: Feet on the ground, eyes to the stars.


Happiness PM to the poor: " Who needs Democracy when everyone in Thailand is so Happy ?"

WP and PM Prayut : "Towards a First World Happiness, 邁向西方極樂世界。“



Re: The Hammer continues to focus on frivolous issues





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WP is a lifestyle agency


"A big thank you for the support. Sold out this issue of Hammerrhoid in Nee Soon GRC this morning! We are in preparation for the next issue. Look out for it!" - WP

For the very first time in a very long time, WP has announced that they have managed a sold out on their Hammerrhoid. A very warm congrats to WP for finally able to sell their Hammer tabloids (Hammerrhoid). 恭禧發財。

But why didn't WP manage to sell their past Hammerrhoid issues until now? When one looks at the current Hammerrhoid cover, one can easily know the answer:

When WP writes about mini issues like yusheng-making, snooker-playing, Malaysia-travelling, mini-fairs, mini-etc, their tabloids begin to sell like hot potatoes. But when WP talks about major and really, really serious political topics in their past Hammerrhoid issues, nobody wants to buy from them.

Why? Because why WP behaves like a political party and talks about political issues, nobody believes them anymore.

When WP criticised the million dollar salary for the ministers, they propose exactly the same million dollar salary for the ministers in parliament. When WP complained about the rise of FT, they suggest to import more FT after elections. When WP lamented the woes of working mother and women issues, they sack the women staffs from their town council whenever they have become pregnant. When WP condemned the lack of transparency in awarding public tender, they themselves blindly give the contracts to their cronies without any tenders. When WP trashed the arrogance and insensitivity of government civil servants, they themselves become even much worse when dealing with their own hawkers. And the list goes on and on....

WP always say what they don't mean , and always mean what they don't say. So there is no point for anyone wasting their money and their time reading in those Hammerrhoid shit which the WP writers never really mean it.

But when WP talks about lifestyle topics like travelling, cooking, snookering, eating, singing and dancing, TCSS, the people really believe them because they can see that these lifestyle wayang are the only things WP has been doing since being elected. Unlike the political issues, WP can both talk the talk and walk the walk on lifestyle issues. Hence, people are more willing to spend their money and time to read something that are proven and authentic. And not those WP political fantasy and Hammerrhoid political wet-dreams.

Although WP has failed as a "First World Opposition", it is begining to earn the people's trust and money as a "First World Lifestyle Agency."

Finally, one very friendly suggestion for WP to further boost their tabloid circulation$ in their future issuses: start a "Page 3" section. Female Hammerroid MPs, cadres, members and supporters can be regularly featured in the "Page 3", revealing all their vital and not-so-vital statistics. This will not only help the Hammerrhoid to hit their sales targets but also give the Hammerrhoid bunnies a more prominent public profile, so that the general public and all other curious voyuers can rate them A,B,C,D,or even an E accordingly.

The Hammer : "Towards a First World Tabloid, 迈向第一世界小报".



WP has been standing up for activists


The Workers' Party and activists

"Where is the Workers' Party? Does it exist? Does it speak up when civil society is under attack? ....... All the news about WP speaking up were about its own small mini-trouble with ministers and ministries. ..... Today's leaders of WP will never protest in public or in parliament! They will never stand up for activists!"

This is totally wrong and very unfair to the Hammerrhoids who have in fact been standing up and fighting for the rights of activists...... But not the type of activists one has always been hearing about:

WP MP stands up for Islamic fundamentalist anti-gay activists

“I support the movement because it’s my responsibility to show concern for my fellow Muslims, asking them to do some introspection on whether what they’re doing is in accordance with Islamic values. That’s the campaign’s main calling.”

“It is commendable that he is speaking out against the LGBT threat and leading his party on this issue.”

Finally, the Islamic fundamentalist anti-gay activists have discovered their new heroes to champion their cause, especially after the WP MP have openly espoused Islamic values when they demand the PAP regime to impose an island-wide ban on alcohol consumption,

In fact, anti-gay activists as well as the Christian and Islamic fundamentalist activists, have long been complaining about the growing LGBT tsunami that will ultimately destroy Singapore. Yet PAP and all other opposition parties have always ignored them, never bother to stand up and fight for their rights:

"PAP and other opposition must draw ‘clear line’ on LGBT issue" - anti-gay pastor activist

“I find it totally confounding that Pink Dot is allowed to promote its agenda. I find it even more disconcerting that the event is being used as a platform of public persuasion to push its alternative lifestyle.

This is no good for Singapore. Why then is our Government and other non-WP opposition giving Pink Dot public space to push its agenda and grow its movement?

Pink Dot’s agenda goes against our national interests.”

Kudos to WP for standing up for this huge, untapped, virgin activist market. No other opposition parties and not even PAP have ever dared to stand up so openly for these religious fundamentalist anti-gay wacko activists. In fact, WP has an absolute monopoly over these group of activists who have so long been abandoned and rejected by every other mainstream politicians.

Indeed, WP can have the best of both worlds. By standing up and speaking up for them, the Hammerrhoids can earn the trust and respect of the religious fundamentalist activists. And by NOT standing up and speaking up for the civil rights activists, WP can still retain their support, since they will still vote for anything that is non-PAP.

If a person's dumb wife or stupid customers are so dumb and so stupid as to continue to fully support him regardless how they are being mistreated, abused and overcharged, why should that person bother to waste time and money on them? He might as well go out and work harder to hook bigger fish, sexier mistresses and richer customers.

And for the civil rights activists and LGBT community to continue supporting WP, despite the latter's open and daring flirtation with the homophobic religious zealots, is comparable to the Jews supporting the Nazis in the early 1930s in order to oppose the corrupt and incompetent Weimar governments.

Failing to stand up for civil rights activists is bad. But standing up against the activists is much worse.



WP continues to make empty promises


Another 'First World promise' made and broken by the 'First World Opposition' :

WP promises to reply to Aljunied voters by Wednesday

"AHPETC said it expects to release a statement on Wednesday (5th Nov 2014)".

It has been over 2 days, yet WP has not released their 'expected statement'. Why the delay?

WP owes an explanation to all the remaining 70% Aljunied suckers who are still incredibly paying their bills so faithfully, so punctually and yet so dumbfully, so blindfully and so naively while their rising 30% smart alec neighbours continue to take them for a free ride, or rather for a free rubbish chute.

Is WP using the hard-earned money of these remaining 70% Ajunied kum-lan to buy the votes of those rapidly-increasing 30% Aljunied free riders?

Why is there so many cash-strapped families in Aljunied ?

"As S & CC are generally only around $50 a month, is it not rather alarming that more than 5% of households cannot pay for more than three months?

Why is there such a high percentage of HDB households that may be in financial difficulty?"

Why is there so many cash-strapped families in Aljunied? Almost 30% ! Goodness gracious me ! Why is there such widespread hardship in Aljunied?

Yet these 'poor' familes are always seen to be able to join and pay WP for travelling. No money to pay for clearing rubbish but always have a lot of money to go Malaysia and China for shopping and eating. Despite such outrageous poverty in Aljunied, WP always can attract people to sign up and pay for yusheng, mooncakes, shark-fin, durians, abalone, snooker-playing, dumblings-making, singing and dancing in posh 6-star hotel, etc...

Wa lao, WP is having so much fun and squandering so much money while there are so many cash-strapped families suffering in Aljunied? 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨 !

And if there is such massive poverty in Aljunied, then why didn't the 'First World' co-drivers wake up and slap the PAP driver, inside and outside their 'First World Parliament'?

Instead of speaking up for the long-suffering 30% cash-strapped familes in Aljunied and the rest of Singapore, WP continues to focus on such frivolous issues like mini-fairs, mini-cleanings in hawker centres, bird-droppings and dog-barkings, mini-etc,... Instead of standing up for the long-neglected cash-strapped families in Aljunied, WP likes to stand up for the religious fundamentalist anti-gay fanatics.

Why is there such deafening silence and deliberate negligence for the many cash-strapped families in Aljunied ?

No wonder there is such a delay and avoidance in their 'expected reply' !

The Aljunied’s S&CC arrears will most probably continue to climb and perhaps break the 50% barrier sooner rather than later, as the remaining 70% Aljunied goondu would have woke up their ideas and join in the fun for free meals and free rubbish chutes, before the party is over.

"If my neighbour don't pay, then why must I pay !" - growled the remaining 70%.

The Hammerrhoid's campaign slogan for GE2016:

来,来,来 !
来阿裕尼人民公社,一起吃大锅饭 !
笨蛋傻瓜最诚实 !



Re: WP continues to make empty promises

I was once a strong supporter og the Wayang Party.
Rain or shines I hardly miss WP election rally since JBJ time till PAP lost Aljunied GRC.
Today I regretted supported WP under the hopeless LTK leadership simply WP is a Silent Party.
I believe many hardcore opposition supporters also lost hope for the Wayang party.
Come GE 2016 I predict WP votes will drop at least 10%.
WP won Aljunied GRC because of late JBJ trademark.
The new WP is completely a hopeless and useless opposition party.
Now who ever hantum WP I will certainly support against the WP which is PAP 'B' Team.


"We can run the Aljunied town wth just 70% of the suckers !" - WP chief boasts


Sharp increase in Aljunied freeloaders has serious implications for the remaining suckers

"He (Towkay) explained that poor financial management does not impact the TC’s operations and services, and therefore residents’ safety and the living environment, with the continuing payment of the remaining but dwindling Aljunied suckers."

"With the continuing support of our loyal suckers in Aljunied plus extra incomes from mini-fairs, cutting corners in major cleaning for the hawker centres as well as our moonlighting in travel agency, I'm very confident that Aljunied town will continue to run well !" - Towkay

"Our secret in running the town council in very simple: cheaper, better and faster, to plagiarise the phrase from PAP. We will screen for CHEAPER service from our vendors, BETTER way to collect bills from our remaining suckers, to make sure they pay FASTER !"

"Even if our dwindling suckers in Aljunied break thru the 50% psychological support barrier, we can still run the town well !" - the Towkay proudly proclaims.

"If this trend continues, the TC’s finances must surely decline and the TC will not be able to sustain its operations. The delivery of essential services must then be affected, to the detriment of residents. We should bear in mind that all TCs have to replace at their own cost, critical infrastructure, like lifts and water tanks and carry out all sorts of other building, mechanical and electrical repairs." - PAP charges

Upon hearing this, the Towkay chuckles in his reply:

"So what?! After we have won the East Coast GRC we'll easily wipe out all our lossss with the additional suckers from Bedok ! No problem one lah! We'd done that to Hougang when we won Aljunied and then Pungool East... Soon all the suckers in whole of Singapore will bail us out. Why worry so much?"

"Did Greece collapse when the overwhelming freeloaders far outnumber the remaining suckers? Of course not. The German suckers come and bail out all those Greek parasites! In this world, esp in our Hammerrhoid world, you either eat your free lunch or you be others' free lunch." - the Towkay explains.

"If my neighbours don't pay, then why must I pay and be a sucker !" - growl the Aljunied freeloaders. "If this town can be so well-maintained with only 70% of the suckers, then why must I pay to be a surplus ?"

WP campaign slogan for GE2016:

来阿裕尼人民公社,一起吃大锅饭 !
笨蛋傻瓜最诚实 !



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: WP continues to make empty promises

I was once a strong supporter og the Wayang Party.
Rain or shines I hardly miss WP election rally since JBJ time till PAP lost Aljunied GRC.
Today I regretted supported WP under the hopeless LTK leadership simply WP is a Silent Party.
I believe many hardcore opposition supporters also lost hope for the Wayang party.
Come GE 2016 I predict WP votes will drop at least 10%.
WP won Aljunied GRC because of late JBJ trademark.
The new WP is completely a hopeless and useless opposition party.
Now who ever hantum WP I will certainly support against the WP which is PAP 'B' Team.

If you're a true opposition supporter, why spend so much time whacking WP? Why don't you spend more time supporting the other opposition parties instead?

WP alone cannot topple the PAP. We need all the opposition parties together to oust the PAP.

Show us you're not PAP IB.


Re: "We can run the Aljunied town wth just 70% of the suckers !" - WP chief boasts


Do you really believe that 30% of these Aljunied families are cash-strapped and are always having difficulty in paying their bills on time ?

我的导游是MP : "吃喝玩乐,烟酒嫖赌,大家一起跟我来 !"

No money to pay for rubbish chutes, but always have money to eat, to shop, to play and to fcuk in overseas travelling ? Sure or not ?

The Towkay's campaign message in GE2016:

"Want to join us ? Want to have fun with us ? Want to go for holidays even if you have no money ? Then vote WP !

Vote WP, and you will always have free holiday tours with savings from our S&CC. We know how to grow suckers who can suck the bills for you.

Vote WP. Vote Why Pay.

Why Pay, when you can have it for free !"



One third of Aljunied people are living in poverty .... and in silence


Do WP MPs know that almost one third of Aljunied families are in financial difficulty ?


"As S & CC are generally only around $50 a month, is it not rather alarming that more than 5% of households cannot pay for more than three months? .. Why is there such a high percentage of HDB households that may be in financial difficulty?"

Despite such widespread hardship all over Aljunied, WP 'First World MPs' seem to be unaware as they have yet to raise the issue and speak up for the cash-strapped in 'First World Parliament'. The sleeping co-drivers have again failed to slap the PAP drivers for not taking care of the poor. Neither do they offer any long-term solution to relieve the massive poverty in Aljunied.

Why the deafening silence and deliberate negligence ? Where is their compassion and responsibility for the long-suffering people in Aljunied ? Does WP bother to investigate why is there such massive poverty in their own constituency and then demand the government to rectify it, like all other real First World MPs would have done?

Even after MND had told them of such montrous poverty in Aljunied, WP continues to act blur and keep quiet, refusing to speak up for the poor Aljunied family in the latest parliament sitting:


Instead of speaking up on real and major issues in parliament like the plight of cash-strapped families in Aljunied, the WP Seven Dwarfs, plus the Two mini-Dwarfs, continue to haggle with PAP on mini-frivolous issues:

Mr Gerald Giam Yean Song: To ask the Minister for Transport whether LTA will consider using technology to equip (i) bus stops with audible announcements of arriving bus service numbers; and (ii) buses with on-board announcements of approaching bus stops to better enable visually-impaired commuters to travel more independently, safely and conveniently.

People in Aljunied have no money to take a bus ! Instead on demanding PAP to use fund to help the poor to take buses, they are demanding more money to be wasted on decorating bus-stops and the buses, so as to increase their maintenance cost and bus fares, making public transport even more inaccessible for the Aljunied poor. What's the use of such buses and bus-stops to the poor and visually-handicapped people in Aljunied if they have no money to take the public transport? WP continues to remain blind to the problems of cash-strapped families in Aljunied.

Instead of highlighting the biggest number of cash-strapped families in Singapore and thus the failure of PAP policy, the Hammerrhoids can only talk about the biggest yusheng in Singapore:

The silence of WP on major issues and their obsesision on mini-issues again show what the Hammerrhoids have always been good at and what they are always bad in : 小事费心,大事无能。 (fussy on every mini issues, but easy on all major topics).



Re: One third of Aljunied people are living in poverty .... and in silence

nobody has achieved 0% poverty in this world!

5% is pretty good comparing to other ASEAN countries!!

Besides is not WP job to provide good wages to Singaporeans.

That is the job of SGP garmen! Who suppressed high wages?

PAP policies LOH! I am deeply when WP waived Town Council charges to so many of their residents!

Only First World Angmo Parliament does that!!
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Re: WP continues to make empty promises

A song by the 70% Aljunied suckers who have been taken for granted by the Hammerrhoids for far too long, and far too much :

你怎麼說…...................WP, what say you ?


我沒忘記你忘記我…..........We always remember to pay our bills on time, but you always forget to collect from the freeloaders;
連名字你都說錯...…...........You even mix up yourself with the PAP and follow them to increase the S&CC charges on us !
證明你一切都是在騙我…...This shows that you have been lying to us and taking us for a free ride all this time;
看今天你怎麼說.................What kind of shit are you Hammerrhoids going to crap today ?

你說過兩天來看我....….......You promise to give us an explanation within 2 days;
一等就是一年多..................But now you expect us to wait for another year so that you can triple the arrear yet again !
三百六十五個日子不好過....It's freakin tough to work 365 days every year so that we can have money to pay you on time;
你心裡根本沒有我.... ..........If you continue to disregard our loyalty and allow more freeloaders to otang longer at our expense;
把我的愛情還給我...............Then return all our S&CC money back to us !

Meanwhile, the Hammerrhoid Towkay thunders in rage upon hearing the song :

"Neh neh kor ji.... These bunch of selfish nuts ! Where is their Aljunied spirit ?

When I was the platoon sergeant many years ago, my platoon had more than 30% freeloaders. But I drilled in the Semangat Hougang into a$$e$ of everyone in the platoon so that we always win the best platoon awards every year, every month and every day !

Every morning, all my platoon's suckers will wake up very early to do area cleaning, sweeping the floor, picking the leaves, licking the toilet bowls, so that the 30% idle kings can take cover, take MC , keng here, siam there. But everybody are very happy and the morale in my platoon is lagi no. 1 in my unit.

Under my leadership, everyone understand and demonstrate the Semangat Hougang ! The suckers worked longer and harder, cancel their leaves and offs, and take on more guard duty and area cleaning, so that all the idle kings can idle peacefully and can never get caught. This is the true essence of Semangat Hougang !

But here, where the fcuk is their Aljunied Spirit ? Where is ther spirit of caring, sharing and giving ?

If I had been runnning the former Soviet Union or any of its satellite states, communism would have been a great success. There would be no famine or bankruptcy because I know how to inspire the suckers to work harder and the freeloaders to idle even harder. I know the trick of acheiving equlibrium between them so that everyone can prosper under Semangat Hougang."

Finally, the Towkay gives his reply to the Aljunied suckers:

"你们要继续地为人民服务,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 !..... Any sucker who is not happy can see me again at MFS (Meet at your Funeral Session)."

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Re: "We can run the Aljunied town wth just 70% of the suckers !" - WP chief boasts


BBC Panorama : Aljunied United into the red


The BBC reports :

"The Aljunied United Suckers' Club is currently run by the Towkay, aided by his six stooges. Together the seven of them are affectionately known as the WP Seven Dwarfs.

However, the hostile takeover of the Aljunied United Suckers' Club by the Hammerrhoids has created too much animosity among the Suckers' fans. Their grievances is mainly caused by the Hammerrhoids' unannounced transfer of accumulated debts from their original Hougang Freeloaders' Club into the Aljunied Suckers, as well as looting the Aljunied Suckers' fund and split the spoils among the Hougang Freeloaders. This has dramatically and tragically transformed the Aljunied Suckers from a surplus, cash-loaded club into a deficit, debt-laden one.

The Aljunied United Suckers' Club used to be a top performer in the league, winning numerous awards, but has now become a non-perfomer, sinking deeper and deeper down the league and into the debt.

Filled with anger, sadness and frustration, the Aljunied Suckers' fans chanted :

"WP Out !" ... "Love Aljunied, Hate WP (LAHW)" ... "Die, die, WP. Fcuking die”

"Who the hell is going to pay for the debt and the deficit ? Of course we the Suckers !" - the Aljunied Suckers' fans yell angrily."

Meanwhile, WP continues to hoodwink Singaporean suckers to pump in more of their hard-earned money into the debt-laden Manchester United Football Club:

"Criticisms over Man Utd listing and the Glazer family misplaced" - WP

His comments come amid criticism on why SGX approved the initial public offering (IPO) of Manchester United under a structure that would likely include non-voting preference shares.

WP top corporate vulture is touting Singaporean suckers to bail out the widely-despised Glazer family by buying the over-valued Man Utd shares but with zero voting rights. No wonder this foreign-born Hammerrhoid, who speaks with an ABC accent, is a top corporate vulture, always looking out and helping out his corporate buddies surrounding the Glazers, even at the expense of the Singaporen suckers.

There had been speculation that ordinary shares with no voting rights would be allowed, but SGX CEO Magnus Bocker denied this. "Our listing regime does not allow companies, regardless of country of origin or size, to issue (ordinary) shares with different voting rights,"

So WP is proposing the SGX to bend their rule and allow the angmoh to sell their no-voting rights shares to the gullible Singaporean suckers. One country, Two systems? Or rather one company , two class of shares - the first-class voting shares for the angmoh, and the second-class non-voting shares for the Singaporean suckers.

Even HK government is smarter than WP and has more spine than WP when they told the angmoh to fcuk off with their deeply disminating shares. Yet, WP suck up to the angmohs' a$$e$ and welcome them with open arms. WP has always been very pro-FT, but this is simply too much.

Fortunately, the angmoh decided that the Singaporean suckers are too unworthy even for their second-class overvalued shares, and did not take up WP pimping offer for their second-class, non-voting shares.

So much for WP extreme enthusiasm in pimping for the angmoh, who in turn did not even bother to reciprocate.

Hammerrhoids 的热脸贴在angmoh的冷屁股.

Now, we know why Aljunied United Suckers' Club is in such bad shape as the Hammerrhoids plagiarise this kind of dirty trick from theie angmoh masters. Nevertheless, Manchester United and Aljunied United, together the two Suckers' fans are now united in debt.

However, the Hammerrhoids remain as defiant and unrepentant as they were when they mishandled the mini-cleaning at the hawker centres:

"WP has little to apologize for, in offering up the Aljunied suckers to a freeloader market !" - top corporate vulture lawyer.


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