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Chitchat Sinkie Woman Stands Up To Rude Uncle! Fuck You! Fuck You!


Don't understand a fucking word she said!! With a fuck Thai slang, only hear Fuck You! Fuck You! Bitch!!


A lot of Thai women have a coarse voice ... too much of alcohol and cigarettes.

"How you know I am not Singaporean? You don't know who I am don't talk to me like this."

The maid or mother's big big "Onitsuka Tiger T-shirt" is a dead giveaway.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Oh puhleeze......

she's a typical Thai cunt. But i have to say that this type of quality is really lousy.

She already addressed that lie in her video.

How you know she not sinkie? How you know? Huh!! How you know? Fuck you! Fuck you!


KNN urgent@ginfreely, test question 3.- is this a foul mouth siambu ? KNN
Answer this question: did the sinkie uncle insult her slut whore mistress? No? Then she is foul mouthed. Yes? Then she is not. So simple difference only conniving Malaysian Cantonese snake pretends not to understand. These self entitled bastards think they can call people slut whore mistress but people cannot give them vulgarities in return.


I wonder if she dares to sprout such nonsense outside Singapore.
if she dares, i clap for her. She's really feisty lady.


Answer this question: did the sinkie uncle insult her slut whore mistress? No? Then she is foul mouthed. Yes? Then she is not. So simple difference only conniving Malaysian Cantonese snake pretends not to understand. These self entitled bastards think they can call people slut whore mistress but people cannot give them vulgarities in return.
KNN sala answer lah. a demure good woman will not scold vulgar in public places regardless of what had happened KNN. jialat lah you everytime fail test KNN KNN this further proves that you are a slut whore KNN