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Singapore's hidden history


Alfrescian (Inf)
I have the book on crime stories in sg including this ah huat written non other by sukimo tan.

Here's also something interesting about sukimo. Heard from some forummers in this or the old forum that sukimo used to date or was having an affair with some high ranking police officer that was why she had knowledge on these police cases.


I have the book on crime stories in sg including this ah huat written non other by sukimo tan.

Here's also something interesting about sukimo. Heard from some forummers in this or the old forum that sukimo used to date or was having an affair with some high ranking police officer that was why she had knowledge on these police cases.

Sometimes to get privileged info, are willing to kneel down and................








<img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_OSt5mMQjCdo/SpLsewzvIoI/AAAAAAAAFmo/hJJf5ylFiY8/s400/Missing+TP.JPG" height="800" width="400" alt="text_shown_if_image_doesn't_load" border="numeric_value" /><img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_OSt5mMQjCdo/SsuEA7kVdxI/AAAAAAAAF2Y/DXea6jd9s4A/s1600/Newsclip0024.JPG" height="800" width="400" alt="text_shown_if_image_doesn't_load" border="numeric_value" />

Perhaps, the greatest unsolved Mystery in S'pore!
Every year, a few hundred people are reported missing in Singapore.
Some make themselves vanish for obvious reasons like rogue lawyer Razif, who scooted off with money belonging to his rich client...more than 12 $ million. There are countless others all with "good" reasons to abscond and hope never to be found ...especially by the law.
Then there are those who run away from home for whatever reasons...overly strict parents, harassed by loansharks, for the sheer adventure of freedom and cheap thrill, to indulge in their wrong activities like drugs, prostitution...etc.
Some missing persons may be impaired by health, age or other impairments.
The worst case scenario is that the missing person may be the victim of a crime...abduction, kidnapping, murder.
Singapore has seen its fair share of such cases. Most of those reported missing were eventually found...some without harm, others with horrid tales to tell.
Many have never been seen or heard of again.
It is as though they have simply vanished from the face of the earth without a trace! No clues, no witnesses, no evidence were left behind when they vanished.
One particular case that had witnesses, had clues and some clear leads got an entire nation mystified. It happened a long time ago at the Singapore Harbour. If I remember correctly, about 5-6 social escorts, all females, were booked by a group of foreigners whose ship was in the outer roads. The boat picked them up and delivered them to that ship for a "party" on board. Sometime in the night, that ship sailed away with all these social escorts and by dawn the next morning..the ship and the ladies have all disappeared from Singapore waters. Over many years, all kinds of reports were received about the "fate" of these ladies. The most oft repeated ones were that they have been sold as sex slaves to some middle east country.
I am certain some of my older readers would recall this case of abduction. It made headline news then and remained an unsolved mystery till this day.
None of the ladies were ever found.
However, for me personally, the most mystifying case of all is the case dubbed by the press as the " Macdonald kids". That was because Macdonald was so moved by the heart-breaking and heart-rending story of the disappearance of 2 Primary school boys, in broad daylight!
They offered a reward of $ 100,000 for information.
As far as I know, the reward has never been claimed.
What really happened in that case?
Photo: The S Times news cutting 15 June 1990
The year was 1986. The month May. The date 14.
Two close friends and classmates were last seen walking together to school.
They were both 12 years old and Primary 6 students of Owen Primary School.
Toh Hong Huat and Keh Chin Ann were just ordinary school boys who came from very humble
When I first heard the news about this case, I was emotionally affected. One of them was just living opposite my block ( my old home in T P) and I had seen him before as a little kid growing up.
School was just a short walk away. At 12.30 pm, they were last seen together. Then suddenly...never again till this day! Their books and bags were left near a tree.
NO ONE ...yes, not one soul around that spot, saw anything that could help the police to solve
the case. Kidnap? They were not rich. No ransom ever asked for.
Abduction for criminal purpose? Adrian Lim ,the infamous hanged murderer who raped, sodomised women and killed even little kids, was at that time behind bars awaiting trial.
The police posted pictures of them in public places.
The parents of the 2 boys consulted more than 30 mediums for "special" help...all to no avail.
As the years passed by, the police updated their info on what they would likely look like.
In 2004, Mediacorps covered their story in the new programme "MISSING".
If they are still alive today, Hong Huat and Chin Ann would be about 35 years old.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
I have the book on crime stories in sg including this ah huat written non other by sukimo tan.

Here's also something interesting about sukimo. Heard from some forummers in this or the old forum that sukimo used to date or was having an affair with some high ranking police officer that was why she had knowledge on these police cases.

Goh Yong Hong, then CP was Sumiko's 'victim'. Hahahahaaaa.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Perhaps, the greatest unsolved Mystery in S'pore!

However, for me personally, the most mystifying case of all is the case dubbed by the press as the " Macdonald kids". That was because Macdonald was so moved by the heart-breaking and heart-rending story of the disappearance of 2 Primary school boys, in broad daylight!
They offered a reward of $ 100,000 for information.
As far as I know, the reward has never been claimed.
What really happened in that case?
Photo: The S Times news cutting 15 June 1990
The year was 1986. The month May. The date 14.
Two close friends and classmates were last seen walking together to school.
They were both 12 years old and Primary 6 students of Owen Primary School.
Toh Hong Huat and Keh Chin Ann were just ordinary school boys who came from very humble
When I first heard the news about this case, I was emotionally affected. One of them was just living opposite my block ( my old home in T P) and I had seen him before as a little kid growing up.
School was just a short walk away. At 12.30 pm, they were last seen together. Then suddenly...never again till this day! Their books and bags were left near a tree.
NO ONE ...yes, not one soul around that spot, saw anything that could help the police to solve
the case. Kidnap? They were not rich. No ransom ever asked for.
Abduction for criminal purpose? Adrian Lim ,the infamous hanged murderer who raped, sodomised women and killed even little kids, was at that time behind bars awaiting trial.
The police posted pictures of them in public places.
The parents of the 2 boys consulted more than 30 mediums for "special" help...all to no avail.
As the years passed by, the police updated their info on what they would likely look like.
In 2004, Mediacorps covered their story in the new programme "MISSING".
If they are still alive today, Hong Huat and Chin Ann would be about 35 years old.

Was told it involved some 4D matter -scam. And one of victim's father and/or mother even challenged the operator to do whatever he chose to do.

Harry Lee

It was not established that he was responsible for the River Valley Chicken restaurant owner's murder till after his assassination. He was arrowed from the palm print of a motorcycle left at the scene.

If I recalled correctly, once you shoot a cop dead in Singapore, there are usually no trial endings. Still Road off duty unarmed cop interceding in a road rage car/bus incident for example.

ONG POH HENG, was off-duty when stopped to intervene in an argument between a bus driver and a gunman along Still Road. As soon as he identified himself as a police officer, the gunman suddenly fired two shots into the officer's chest, one of which pierced his heart, killing him instantly. The gunman then removed the cop's revolver and drove off. This incident occurred in 1973.


Harry Lee

Hidden History : Cop Killer shot 1973

Detectives from Bukit Panjang Police Station received information on the murderer of DPC Ong Poh Heng. Without informing higher ups, they planned the ambush of the killer Hoo How Seng.......



The policemen involved received a commendation for this good work.... at the same time, they received a warning letter for not informing higher ups when they first received information on the killer. They did not follow the SOP ... or PGO "Police General Orders'.....
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Wow, pretty dance hostess can live in a flat along Cavanagh Road...must have had a sugar daddy besides the gunman.

Harry Lee


Cop killer Hoo How Seng........ quite a good looking chap.... He should have been a gigalo instead, sure Ang Pai one....:biggrin:

But with 6 shots to his head a and body, he would have been a bloody mess.... some Witnesses could not identify the body of Hoo....probably looked like bloodied pig......


There was actually 2 separate cases. In the first case, Sunny was caught red handed breaking into Radio shop via the roof. He cut the roofing sheets with a shears. This is housebreaking. He pleaded guilty and Marshall did his mitigation plea. It was so good that Choor Singh that gave him a conditional discharge bound over by good behaviour over 2 years. It was a very unusual sentence despite the seriousness of the crime.

He obviously never learnt his lesson.

They were all protagonists in the same trial.


Here is the gist.
1) Tan Book Teik was then the AG and due to retire. Our friend was the darling of the stock market as he was a keen punter. Naturally they looked after him during good and bad times.
2) Glenn Bodoh Knight had a wife who was a bigger bodoh decided to buy land in Bintan or Bataam and develop it into a resort.
3) Knight was old man's blue eyed boy and defended him during the Law Society Hearings.
4) He was appointed AG designate and everything went crazy
5) As in the Walter Woon's case, the powers therein did not ask TBT about his succesor ,who hated the bugger. He told him his clique to complain about Glenn. His clique had already been offended by Glennnover the Tan Soon Kwan MCA chairman affair ( another stock market punter)
5) Glenn has been seeking finances to develop his resort and over extended himself and was actively seeking funds.
6) TBT kakis wrote to PMO to say that he was asking them for money which can mean many thing.
7) One day when he was returning from his "resort" they arrested for bringing in 2 bottles of whiskey without declaring at finger pier. That was the holding charge.
8) In the course of the investigation, his car loan from the govt turned out to be false. Money went to resort. They also found discrepancies in his office accounting.
9) Ngiam was one of many that he approached to fund his resort. Ngiam of course did the bidding of the family. The charge was attempted cheating. The case was built around the fact that he told Ngiam that certain people had invested when they had not. Ngiam did not give him cent. It was a bizarre charge. Till today, people can figure what the case is about and Glenn Knight is not telling either. He pleaded guilt to a case what would have been thrown out of court even with a lawyer like Harbans Singh. The belief he pleaded guilty for some other skeletons ( ie blackmailed)

The rest is history. All you need is a bodoh wife and your life is gone. Years later, the wife who has no common sense gave an interview about her culinary skills. The whole article was about her.

Any juicy stories on ex-CAD director Glenn Knight? In normal circumstances, he would be retired in public interest or instructed to resign from the Legal Service. Instead, he was charged in court - fined and incarcerated. Shanmugam was his lawyer.

Heard it was Ng Ser Miang who reported him to the authorities. NSM is related to the "royal" family, I was told.


The 4D/Bookie world is so well connected that everyone would know each other. The Police would also know who are the players. If it was true, the bookies would be the first to spill the beans as they would not tolerate such things as kidnapping of 2 twelve year old boys.

This was probably some psycho like Adrian Lim and the bodies probably in some forest as part of some sick sacrifice.

Was told it involved some 4D matter -scam. And one of victim's father and/or mother even challenged the operator to do whatever he chose to do.


Yr knowledge is amazing. So in both cases, FS was also the DPP?

There was actually 2 separate cases. In the first case, Sunny was caught red handed breaking into Radio shop via the roof. He cut the roofing sheets with a shears. This is housebreaking. He pleaded guilty and Marshall did his mitigation plea. It was so good that Choor Singh that gave him a conditional discharge bound over by good behaviour over 2 years. It was a very unusual sentence despite the seriousness of the crime.

He obviously never learnt his lesson.


Alfrescian (Inf)
9) Ngiam was one of many that he approached to fund his resort. Ngiam of course did the bidding of the family. The charge was attempted cheating. The case was built around the fact that he told Ngiam that certain people had invested when they had not. Ngiam did not give him cent. It was a bizarre charge. Till today, people can figure what the case is about and Glenn Knight is not telling either. He pleaded guilt to a case what would have been thrown out of court even with a lawyer like Harbans Singh. The belief he pleaded guilty for some other skeletons ( ie blackmailed)

Thanks. Ngiam? You were referring to Ser Miang?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I have completely forgotten about this housebreaking case. Pity the person who might have crossed you decades ago for like an elephant, you will not forget.

Suffice to say that Sunny and his 2 younger siblings had a few brushes with the law long before he became bolder and met his destiny.

There was actually 2 separate cases. In the first case, Sunny was caught red handed breaking into Radio shop via the roof. He cut the roofing sheets with a shears. This is housebreaking. He pleaded guilty and Marshall did his mitigation plea. It was so good that Choor Singh that gave him a conditional discharge bound over by good behaviour over 2 years. It was a very unusual sentence despite the seriousness of the crime.

He obviously never learnt his lesson.

Harry Lee

Hidden History: The Day it rained Fishes 1861


Raining animals is a rare meteorological phenomenon in which flightless animals "rain" from the sky, although occurrences have been reported from many countries throughout history. One hypothesis that has been offered to explain this phenomenon is that strong winds traveling over water sometimes pick up creatures such as fish or frogs, and carry them for up to several miles. In 1861, it rained fishes in Singapore. The event was witnessed and reported by a western observer. It occurred after an earthquake...



Harry Lee

Hidden History - Lee Kuan Yew's pact with Mahathir - Call off the dogs of "S" Committee and we will do the same- 1988



Malaysian Special Branch actually managed to recruit a Singapore Member of Parliament to be a spy in the 60s..... an Indian guy..... :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Wow, pretty dance hostess can live in a flat along Cavanagh Road...must have had a sugar daddy besides the gunman.

At that time Cavenagh road is brothel area. :biggrin:
I remember driving our PTI Encik to Sky Villa to picking up our korean TKD instructor every lesson. All units in that building is housing the hostesses and bargirls. Our instructor is sideline as bouncer to them when he is not teaching.