that's why absolute power corrupts :o:o:o
if i may . power corrupts absolutely .
that's why absolute power corrupts :o:o:o
Even if it was only 20% Muslim, all it would take to bring Singapore to its knees would be for a small group of Muslim loonies to blow up the pipeline.
I'm seriously thinking of doing away with the infraction system and imposing an IQ test instead.
I remember reading that one of the places Spore gets it's oil from is Iran.
So if PAP decides to take sides in any disagreement with the Muslims, we will have "problems".
For a small country like Spore, our interests should be remaining non-aligned. Instead we are getting in bed with the IsraelInviting the US naval forces to set up shop in Spore
Naming Indonesia as a Muslim-majority country, are for those who wants to be politically correct. In SBF who cares as it is one and the same thing. As a matter of fact, even journalists(many are Indonesians themselves) says Indonesia is a Muslim country. Does it really matter?
FYI, our host tends to get apoplectic attacks whenever he talks about Muslims, so live with it.![]()
No, the oil flowing into Singapore are purchased by businesses and not by Singapore.
Have you forgotten the power failures just a couple of years ago because the gas flow was interrupted? For the whole country to depend upon a single pipeline from a muslim country is foolhardy and extremely short sighted.
You must be a very well respected member on this website, because you made about 346 posts, but you have 1113 points.
Business conducted in Spore= Spore Inc or rather Lee & Son(s) & daughte-in-law :p
Call me a simpleton, but please explain to us why the Singapore gahmen wants to purchase crude oil? For her own consumption?
I'm only a "lesser mortal" but even I know that the GLCs are proxies for the gov't i.e their business arm.
Why do you think there is a 3/4 tank law![]()
The gov't collects taxes on oil/gas imports. They obviously want to dissuade Spore cars from getting cheaper oil from JB.
GLCs are simply proxies for the gov't. They are both consumers as well as sellers of oil.
Wrong bro.
I had to make a painful decision to trade cash for points in order to know which low-life form in SBF decided that I should only have 10 reputation points and not more.
You paid cash to buy those reputation points?
Naming Indonesia as a Muslim-majority country, are for those who wants to be politically correct. In SBF who cares as it is one and the same thing. As a matter of fact, even journalists(many are Indonesians themselves) says Indonesia is a Muslim country. Does it really matter?
FYI, our host tends to get apoplectic attacks whenever he talks about Muslims, so live with it.![]()
Bunker oil needed by PSA etc. Now how can we be one of the world's largest port for vessels to down anchor for their needs without having bunker fuel?
All petrol and petroleum products are refined from crude and oil refineries need crude oil to process and sell them to consumers. I don't see our GIC's buying crude oil. They might buy refined petroleum products for their needs but definitely not trade in crude. If PSA buys bunker fuel, it is because they are in the business to service their customers.
GIC's are involved in many businesses but definitely oil plays a very small role. I think we should not read too much into this. Singapore's survival very much depends on LNG but not on oil.
My point is simply that whatever the energy, the PAP will make sure that they will get their cut of the $$$. This will be achieved by taxation & through their GLCs that they control.
The laws in Spore are used to ensure the PAP monopoly e.g. 3/4 tanks rule to prevent competition from JB, outlawing of satellite dishes to give Starhub a monopoly,....
Donating is a way of showing appreciation to the host for the troubles he went through for hosting the site. It is also an insurance against the mindless zappings and allows one to know the culprit/s who took advantage of anonymity to play his mindless game.
Your quarrel with the gahman and the question how it benefit you as an individual seemed so narrow-minded. I may agree with the gahman on these and like you angered by some of their actions and policies. But that does not take away my sense of elation and relief that these countries envious and at times unwilling to allow us to survive has been snooked. I do understand that our neighbours too do not owe us a living and if they have an advantage over us they will grab it. As a nation, we have to stand together against those who will do us in. I see nothing wrong in bitching against what we perceived as our gahman milking us to the hilt amongst other evils they had committed. However let us not be blinded by these grievances and be negative about their achievements for the good of Singapore.
Our "invasion" of Johore has begun. Soon Singaporeans will own southern Johore
Rise in Singapore's investments in Iskandar Malaysia
SINGAPORE'S cumulative investments in Iskandar Malaysia increased by more than a third in just over the first half of this year. The republic remains the leading foreign source of capital for the Johor-based economic zone with one out of every six dollars of foreign capital that flows in there coming from Singapore.
As at July this year, Singapore's total cumulative investments in Iskandar Malaysia were at RM6.15 billion (S$2.46 billion), compared to RM4.56 billion as at December 2011, the Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) told BT yesterday.
The latest figures show that Singapore's total committed capital flow into Iskandar Malaysia grew by RM1.59 billion, or 34.9 per cent, in the first seven months of this year. The bulk of Singapore's investments were in traditional sectors, as IRDA reported that 77 per cent of Singapore's total cumulative investments in the zone were in manufacturing alone. The rest of the capital from Singapore went into the healthcare, education and property sectors.
The significant increase in Singapore's investments in Iskandar Malaysia from January-July 2012 is in line with the region's strong showing in attracting capital this year. Ismail Ibrahim, chief executive of IRDA, announced yesterday that Iskandar Malaysia recorded a total cumulative investment of RM15 billion this year alone.
Nearly a third of this amount came in the third quarter of 2012 itself, as BT's earlier reports show that in the first six months of the year, Iskandar Malaysia had secured RM10.67 billion of new committed investment.
Overall, Iskandar Malaysia recorded a total cumulative investment of RM99.79 billion in various sectors, IRDA reported yesterday, with 42 per cent of the total committed investment being realised as at September this year.
"We have been very aggressive in our promotional efforts to attract more investors into Iskandar Malaysia. I am very happy to note catalytic projects such as Legoland Malaysia have also helped reinforce the value proposition of Iskandar Malaysia on the global platform," said Mr Ismail. "We are confident that we will soon breach the RM100 billion mark."
Of the total cumulative committed investment mentioned, 63 per cent or RM62.7 billion are domestic investments, with the remaining 37 per cent coming from outside Malaysia. This means that Singapore's investments in Iskandar Malaysia account for 16.58 per cent, or one-sixth, of the total RM37.09 billion of foreign investments there.
According to IRDA, this made Singapore the largest foreign investor in the economic region as at July 2012, beating Spain and Japan respectively.
The latest data, according to Mr Ismail, also reflected the growing confidence of the local investments towards Iskandar Malaysia.
"In 2008, the ratio was 45 per cent domestic (sources of investment) and 55 per cent foreign (sources of investment). We see this shift as something positive and encouraging because while foreign investments continue to flow in, the domestic players are also ensuring they are not left behind," he said.
Out of the RM99.79 billion of cumulative investments, the manufacturing sector was the largest recipient of capital at RM33.36 billion, while the property sector was a close second with RM32.94 billion.
I remember reading that one of the places Spore gets it's oil from is Iran.
So if PAP decides to take sides in any disagreement with the Muslims, we will have "problems".
For a small country like Spore, our interests should be remaining non-aligned. Instead we are getting in bed with the IsraelInviting the US naval forces to set up shop in Spore
Looking at your points they appear rather low for a 2 year old member. You meant to tell me all your posts are not deemed noteworthy? Of course they are but which responsible senior member/s will care 2 hoots unless you are in one of the "in" groups.
Donating is a way of showing appreciation to the host for the troubles he went through for hosting the site. It is also an insurance against the mindless zappings and allows one to know the culprit/s who took advantage of anonymity to play his mindless game.