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SIngapore - We Won't Be Held Hostage By Malaysia And Indonesia

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Having served in the SAF, my assessment is that as long as Singaporeans are motivated enough and put their hearts and souls into invading NZ, it could easily be pulled off. Singapore can mobilise 250,000 personnel if need be. Ships can be chartered and Island nations such as Fiji can be used for staging before the final push. The current Fijian govt hates NZ because of the economic sanctions that the Kiwis have placed on the country.

Since you are so motivated and confident that an attack on NZ using civilian resources can lead to a major success and significant reward and you are familar with the Fujian situation, why don't you secure a Pact of Cooperation in the Conquest of New Zealand with the Fujian Government then we can talk.

I can see you taking the role of an insider agent, waving a red flag to indicate that the coast is clear for the attack. Kinana seems to be very keen to show the military prowess of the Republic of Singapore. He can lead the point section in the point platoon in the point company of the point battalion and point division in this momentous campaign.
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red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Having served in the SAF, my assessment is that as long as Singaporeans are motivated enough and put their hearts and souls into invading NZ, it could easily be pulled off. Singapore can mobilise 250,000 personnel if need be. Ships can be chartered and Island nations such as Fiji can be used for staging before the final push. The current Fijian govt hates NZ because of the economic sanctions that the Kiwis have placed on the country. Now's an excellent time to get things going before the Fijian govt changes hands.

pls ...who would want to invade NZ? with today's technology & satellite, u think we could pull off another pearl harbor without alarms being sounded? already our SAF struggle to put a boat to Somalia...let alone sailing across the treacherous sea to reach earthquake prone NZ...

back to the issue...if the government is smart...why sell away all our power plants to foreign powers? Diversify the power generating source - keep oil, coal n gas...like that you have options n not depend on that pipe like an umbilical cord.

we had a taste from mudland because of the water pipes, we want to kenna again with Indon. Better yet, up the ante, say we will build a nuclear plant near Sentosa, see whether indon want to cut the gas or not.

being small as we are, we are forever dependent on exporters who can at their whim n fancy threaten this threaten that....declare ourselves as a province of China next loh...see who dare bully us....


Yes but that was by accident and not (at least to my knowledge) by design. Vivian screwed up there as well and now he is in charge of toilets and hawker centres. Anyway, with shale gas booming, Indonesia will be rushing to sell gas to us. Those threats will not materialise unless the Middle East goes up in flames.

Friggin Indon!
When they are major supplier, they behave like bullies!!
Look at the maid issues - prices jump from $150 - $480 in a short time with NO improvement to quality of maid; in fact Indon maids are the worst you can get! To make matter worse, most come for the money which is a lot back home and go home before 2 yr contract expiry via backdoor ie running away to Indon Embassy which knowingly provides refuge even knowing that maid has been exploiting both employers n embassy.
Moral of the story? NEVER get your selves in a position where INdons are major supplier. Never deal with muslims who are only interested to slice your throat.


Friggin Indon!
When they are major supplier, they behave like bullies!!
Look at the maid issues - prices jump from $150 - $480 in a short time with NO improvement to quality of maid; in fact Indon maids are the worst you can get! To make matter worse, most come for the money which is a lot back home and go home before 2 yr contract expiry via backdoor ie running away to Indon Embassy which knowingly provides refuge even knowing that maid has been exploiting both employers n embassy.
Moral of the story? NEVER get your selves in a position where INdons are major supplier. Never deal with muslims who are only interested to slice your throat.

Thats what they are. Want to threaten us thinking we are weak.
The real problem is, there are sellouts like Fool who pretends to be officer in SAF.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Friggin Indon!
When they are major supplier, they behave like bullies!!
Look at the maid issues - prices jump from $150 - $480 in a short time with NO improvement to quality of maid; in fact Indon maids are the worst you can get! To make matter worse, most come for the money which is a lot back home and go home before 2 yr contract expiry via backdoor ie running away to Indon Embassy which knowingly provides refuge even knowing that maid has been exploiting both employers n embassy.
Moral of the story? NEVER get your selves in a position where INdons are major supplier. Never deal with muslims who are only interested to slice your throat.

Is it not the reason why Singapore prefers not to be dependent on our major suppliers? In the case of Malaysia, they threatened to cut our water supply if we do not accept their terms and conditions. As for Indonesia, they thought they can manipulate Singapore because we depend on them for LNG.

Another issue we had with both countries was the supply of sand for our needs. We should not allow other countries the power to influence us because we are beholden to them for a valuable resource that should the supply dwindle, our country is in deep trouble.

Now if only our brilliant leaders can lay their hands on robotic servants, then our maid problems will be over.:smile:

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Thats what they are. Want to threaten us thinking we are weak.
The real problem is, there are sellouts like Fool who pretends to be officer in SAF.

How dare you insult a Senior Officer in the SAF even though a retired one? Soldier, what is your rank and which unit you come from?


Want to invade NZ? just send over 1m Singaporeans to live there, no arms or weapons needed, NZ population of 4.5m will increase to 5.5m, follow the Kiwis dependency on Welfare & the NZ gahmen will be bankrupt in no time. This is when you send another 1m Singaporeans to NZ & manage their economy & run the country for them. Over time the native Kiwis will be relegated to 2nd class citizens in their own country. Meanwhile Singapore will top up with 1m more FTs & PRCs. In no time the ruling elite will have 2 countries for the price of 1.

Some big countries are already leasing large swathes of Africa & other 3rd world nations for the sole purpose of growing food etc. Singapore should do the same.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
This is when you send another 1m Singaporeans to NZ & manage their economy & run the country for them. Over time the native Kiwis will be relegated to 2nd class citizens in their own country.

I think the Singaporeans will vomit blood trying to reform the Kiwis and turn them into 2nd class citizens. Easier to just cull them and throw them into Mt Tongariro.

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
I am definitely more senior than you.

From the little you seem to know about NS, I can deduct that you are either a Pinoy as what some bros here claimed or from some queer unit in SAF(W). Don't lie. It is quite easy to detect.
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