Even in the 70s SAF were touting themselves as having the best & most well armed 10 men section in any infantry company in the region, this was before the time of massive spending on military hardware. When RSAF bought AWACs, neighbouring countries complained like mad & raised a stink, asking why SG needed AWACs when even in SG airspace, they can see what's happening across the border. The reason is simple, SAF is there as a deterrent to anyone having ideas but if it really came to a fight, i wouldn't trust the majority of SAF soldiers becos even in warmongering countries like US & UK, the number of friendly fire cases is high.
Bro Johnny333, you raised an important fact that "While our neighbours are focusing on their citizen", if SG is not careful & there is disquiet amounting to anger in the population, no matter how well armed SAF is, you're going to end up with a rotten apple in the barrel syndrome.
Back then we were using plenty of 2nd hand equipment e.g. A4, AMX13, Howitzers,..
I have to admit that I was proud the 1st time I saw the brand new F5E's:o
We all don't know how much the Lee's & their cronies are making the arms from the black market but obviously it's never enough since they have moved on now to casinos. So we should all be asking whether Spore's defence is about profit$$$$$ or defence

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