What the fuck is this?:oIo:
Not sure of the present situation now.. But few years ago, I remember seeing those African niggers sitting down at Bencoolen Kopitiam drinking beer with the local fat Minahs there during late nites..
Honestly, I prefer the fat one to the other.
fat ok as long not ah nehs ...
knn see ah nehs in the pool , i machiam swimming in ganges river.
She's ugly and fat....why still make fun of her? Is she sadplumpgal?
Fat people have higher sex drives. Bet they rock in bed!
That is true, if not for the heavy weight on my tummy that makes me tire when I hump. I can cum 3 times a night.
hi there
1. fat kid, no offence!
2. you are one hot & horny fat kid.
3. wow! thrice cum a nite.
4. go for it, fat kid.
Fat people shouldn't be allowed ANYWHERE!
Yeah, I just took this 15mins ago on the train :o