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Shanmugam has spoken. You PMA bastards better watch out.


If only sg has cycling lanes, and walkways are only for people. Then again, will riders use them? Already I have been seeing large groups of bicycles when the law says max five. Even saw groups of PMDs zooming on the roads. Should cane and jail them!
I cycle alone or with my housemate on park connectors only. The only time we appear on the road is because of pedestrian crossings connecting the park connectors


Old Fart
I cycle alone or with my housemate on park connectors only. The only time we appear on the road is because of pedestrian crossings connecting the park connectors
You are a model citizen. i stopped cycling. My bicycles are now wall art, collecting dust.:biggrin:


If only sg has cycling lanes, and walkways are only for people. Then again, will riders use them? Already I have been seeing large groups of bicycles when the law says max five. Even saw groups of PMDs zooming on the roads. Should cane and jail them!
BTW, the other day I cycle all the way from home to east coast park to bedok corner passing by the guards unit then to the hawker centre to eat satay, curry puff and mee rebus :laugh:

actually the government really soend a lot of money on the park connectors network throughout the whole island....that one I give them praise.


Old Fart
BTW, the other day I cycle all the way from home to east coast park to bedok corner passing by the guards unit then to the hawker centre to eat satay, curry puff and mee rebus :laugh:

actually the government really soend a lot of money on the park connectors network throughout the whole island....that one I give them praise.
I have not been to that bedok corner in a long time. Nice muslim food there.

I agree with you. The park connector is great! But not enough for me to vote for them:biggrin: Now if only those road cyclists will use the park connectors and not be a nuisance for other road users who pay road tax and buy insurance.


I have not been to that bedok corner in a long time. Nice muslim food there.

I agree with you. The park connector is great! But not enough for me to vote for them:biggrin: Now if only those road cyclists will use the park connectors and not be a nuisance for other road users who pay road tax and buy insurance.
the park connector network is linked to Changi Airport t4 too. Nice place to cycle to.


go see dinosaurs along the way.
have u gofrom ecp park connector to changi point? that stretch of park connector is damn tough because very little shade as the trees are still young... everytime I cycle there, feel very torture and keep telling myself to keep going...


have u gofrom ecp park connector to changi point? that stretch of park connector is damn tough because very little shade as the trees are still young... everytime I cycle there, feel very torture and keep telling myself to keep going...
The objective is to make you shag and hungry, and then you will oar your pocket buy food from Hub & Spoke Cafe.


i don't eat there. i usually prepare sandwiches and a vacuum flask of hot kopi to eat along the rest stops.

You prefer to go home Hug & Poke.


Old Fart
have u gofrom ecp park connector to changi point? that stretch of park connector is damn tough because very little shade as the trees are still young... everytime I cycle there, feel very torture and keep telling myself to keep going...
That's because it is a new extension and further out towards the sea. Trees have not grown big yet. Adds about 4km as compared to the old route (called coastal road). I have done the new route, but late in night.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Powered personal transportation devices are a great invention. And all people should be allowed to use them. The problem is when people do not know how to use them responsibly and put others at risk. Specifically young able-bodied people who like to speed and dart in and out of people and vehicular traffic. Education is definitely needed to qualify for PMA/PMD ownership in the areas of handling the device and charging the batteries. Motorised devices can cause serious injuries to oneself and others, so insurance needs to be there for protection.

I am against excessive govt regulations, but in this instance I make an exception.

People don't know how to use cars either which is why scores of people die weekly on the streets of Singapore. Perhaps we should start with the education of motorists which are the primary source of danger. PMDs/PMAs don't even figure in the road death statistics. No pedestrian has ever been killed by a PMD. The last PMD related death was between a PMD and a cyclist.

syed putra

Sidewalks and pedestrian walkways are too narrow in sinkie unlike that in China cities where moped, pma's, electric scooters and pedestrians mingle with no issues.
It's the Gomen that must buck up and create a more accommodating pedestrian walkway design that encompasses all.

syed putra

People don't know how to use cars either which is why scores of people die weekly on the streets of Singapore. Perhaps we should start with the education of motorists which are the primary source of danger. PMDs/PMAs don't even figure in the road death statistics. No pedestrian has ever been killed by a PMD. The last PMD related death was between a PMD and a cyclist.
Lower down the speed limit on non highway roads to 70km/ hr or less.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Lower down the speed limit on non highway roads to 70km/ hr or less.

The issues is not the speed limits or the rules or the licensing. The problem is one of enforcement and lack of consequences.

Drivers are supposedly tested, licensed, insured and monitored but that has not prevented the atrocious driving, the use of mobile devices while at the wheel, using the streets as race tracks, red light running, sudden lane changing, driving while blind and a host of other shocking and deadly stunts.

Everyone bleats on and on about cyclists, PMDs and PMAs when the elephant in the room is motorists. When drivers no longer kill innocent parties at an alarming rate the authorities can then start dealing with lesser evils. Until then ALL enforcement action should be aimed at motorists and the ton(s) of metal they are supposedly in control of.


Powered personal transportation devices are a great invention. And all people should be allowed to use them. The problem is when people do not know how to use them responsibly and put others at risk. Specifically young able-bodied people who like to speed and dart in and out of people and vehicular traffic. Education is definitely needed to qualify for PMA/PMD ownership in the areas of handling the device and charging the batteries. Motorised devices can cause serious injuries to oneself and others, so insurance needs to be there for protection.

I am against excessive govt regulations, but in this instance I make an exception.
First start creating 1/2 lane for bicycle, pmd& motorbike..don't divide the people & blame each road users. just regulate speed especially during peak hours. We don't get so much issues when bicycle using pedestrian paths. Now the speed of these bicycle on the path & road is the problem. These PMD & bicycles are not meant for competition. Just being used to move around neighborhood.