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[Sg] - Ong Ye Kung kena hospitalised!


So he is more or less another 官二代 fuckwit in the PAP hierarchy.

Just a lower tier one compared to Lee Yock Suan's ugly son.

This guy is a shortie


Alfrescian (Inf)
janadas devan's father also had connections
Devan Nair came to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
I read that the Singapore government or its agent, commenced legal proceedings in Ontario.
The then Honourable Madam Justice Susan Greer of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, dismissed it.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Please indicate that "You wish him a speedy recovery", because others may not share your sentiments.
Thank you.

I made the 'speedy recovery' wish on behalf of all samsters. So that means you wish Ong Ye Kung a speedy recovery too.