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[Sg] - Ong Ye Kung kena hospitalised!


On behalf of all samsters, I would like to wish the good Minister Ong a speedy recovery.
Are you related to this Cambodian or Laotian looking man? He doesn't look Chinese at all. If he is at a construction site, I would think he's a construction worker.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Are you related to this Cambodian or Laotian looking man? He doesn't look Chinese at all. If he is at a construction site, I would think he's a construction worker.

Well, Ye Kung looks a little weird because his father was once a hardcore oppies. I don't expect oppies to look nice.





Alfrescian (Inf)
He has 斗鸡眼, therefore it must be eye cancer.
Such an ugly face is fortunate to marry a good looking lady from a financially wealthy family.
A very untrustworthy looking face.
Is he really one of Sammy boy's favourite Ministers, or just your favourite Minister.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Well, Ye Kung looks a little weird because his father was once a hardcore oppies. I don't expect oppies to look nice.
The facts and reality will differ from your allegation, because there are currently many non PAP MPs who are better looking (heads and shoulders, better) than your "favourite" PAP Minister.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ong's father was with the BS, whereas LYS was a former PAP Minister.
I believe that Lee is slightly better looking than Ong, or at least not as ugly, one eye smaller than the other. Rat face.


Alfrescian (Inf)
* * * * *
Mr. Dominic Puthucheary was a founding member of the PAP.
Later, he joined the Barisan Sosialis.
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