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[Sg] - Did you know that the K in K Shanmugam stands for Kasiviswanathan?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

syed putra

It was people like him who colonised the entire south east asia and gave singapura its name. Sri vijaya, raja chola. Many more,


Alfrescian (Inf)
These keling names are always a mouthful... hence initials and acronyms are used. Alternatively, some adopt an angmoh name. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
It was people like him who colonised the entire south east asia and gave singapura its name. Sri vijaya, raja chola. Many more,
hanor, those that wanted amdk names had to have both similar starting alphabets to match their keling surnames, instead of the normal s/ob (son-of...) like ;
victor veraiya, anthony anpalagan. kenneth karupiah, sebastian samy etc.
the most famous one was called ; pei-pundek! :whistling:


Sinkies should go check his background, this cb kia uses woman to climb up, he actually s good hor nothing,still in tifout Rd,lol