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[Sg] - $70 to take PHV from Jurong to Suntec?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Who is going to bite these ???
Got leemand then got supply.
There are basicallee a few groups of people who will still eat it no matter what the cost is.
1. Orfid workers who can claim or has company transport card.
2. Lazy busuk puki babi who would even borrow money to spend on such items.
3. The weak and wheel chair bound sometimes doesn't have a choice.
4. Some people who saw rain cumming must reach home fast to collect clothes hanging outside.
5. The real rich folks who had their car sent to workshop.


Gojek is crap. Same ride, Gojek $32, Grab $22, Comfort $19, TADA $18.. Indon must be crazy with their logic.