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Poor 73yo taxi uncle keeled over and died during mata questioning over minor accident


Then other people can die due to their physical deterioration. I could have died. Now everyday is a bonus to me.

Wrong govt if still need to work till 70+
At 50 just nice to start living well not struggling.
We need to be reaponsible for our finacial well being...need alot of good luck and prudent mindset with financial discipline.

This world is filled with temptation and green eye monsters who are eyeing your pocket


We need to be reaponsible for our finacial well being...need alot of good luck and prudent mindset with financial discipline.

This world is filled with temptation and green eye monsters who are eyeing your pocket
Need less gst, taxes leading to lower cost of living. Govt needs to reduce spending. Bottomless pit. The more they tax, the more they spend on kaki pockets while saving shrinks for everyone.


Need less gst, taxes leading to lower cost of living. Govt needs to reduce spending. Bottomless pit. The more they tax, the more they spend on kaki pockets while saving shrinks for everyone.
The real turth maybe harder to stomach for everyone