Unfortunately, u have to look at the facts. The WP is not going to wake up, it appears they are in cahoots with the PAP. Somewhere in some backroom, a deal was struck between the 2 parties. PAP says vote with me in PArliament and thereby legitimize the stupid and illegals laws I am passing, and in return, I will not harass and sue and intimidate you like I do with so many other oppos, and you can then earn your $16K a month salary and be happy like fuck.
How else can you explain the WP voting for the annual budget when it includes items like million $ salaries for ministers, and a $12 billion military budget (more than Health and Education budget combined)? How else can you explain the WP voting with the PAP on all items passed in PArliament excpet the population white paper of 6.9 million people?
Politics is not a gentlemen's fight. Its not a play for a draw game. Its a low down dirty dog fight. And the WP should have been doing all it can to whack the PAP at any interval. Many people don't realise the WP's Low can say in Parliament "Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, where is our CPF, have you stolen it?". And there is nothing that can be done because PARLIAMENtary privilege protects him from being sued or punished. Instead, he is a coward and lets Roy takes the fall, Roy who is not protected by parliamentary privilege, Roy who asked the question that everyone in the country is asking "Where is our CPF".
The purpose of the WP is to be the fake oppo. The WP deflects world and local criticism that there is no oppo or that the the oppos are suppressed in Sngapore. The PAP can always point out and say "See, we have a legitimately elected opposition party in PArliament, therefore, there cannot be a dictatorship in Singapore, there is true democracy". Therefore, for the price of 7 seats, the PAP can maintain this facade to the world. And in fact, since the WP almost always votes with them, there is really no lost at all to them. This is the real purpose of the WP.