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Dear Soh Lung:
I normally refrain from any comments regarding politics, but I will answer your question. It is pretty obvious there is little to protest in Singapore. The nation has working laws, civil institutions, and a somewhat vibrant economy. That's what most people want and can live with it. A few complains here and there, but that's normal, everywhere. Basically, there are regular general elections in Singapore every four or five years, and the people get to choose the leadership to represent them. And whether we agree or not, we all go by the choice of the majority. And they make the law. If one doesn't like it, can always vote again when the chance comes around. I myself am not exactly happy with many of the laws/policies here in Singapore, but will not oppose since they are accepted by the majority of the public. As for the opposition being "inactive," you bet they are. And that's why they don't get much support, they only get the votes from those unhappy with the ruling party. As for the ruling party, they have a somewhat easy job as the region is peaceful, prosperous, and quite settled down without any extreme radicals stirring up shit. So the ruling party gets all the credit for Singapore's progress, which your official newspaper eagerly bestows on them. Meanwhile, the public here are happy as long as they have their char kwey teow and laksa and couldn't give a shit about global warming, ebola, endangered species, or any atrocities elsewhere in the world. Life is happy in Singapore.
That's a superficial perception of life here and it does not address Teo's call for the Opposition to step up.
In your country, the Opposition is always ready to pounce on the government. That's why the government doesn't usally go overboard with their policies or abuse although Stephen Harper behaves more like LKY than the typical Canadian PM.
The WP has been silent when the PAP is attacking the basic rights of the people, even though they are activists.
Life is sinkapore is not that hunky dory ...when takehome median pay is $1700 in one of the most expensive city in the world, the complaints are confined to a minority.
The government has goofed up so frequently that there is so much ammo for the Opposition to humtum the government. That the WP is not doing so, even though it has a forum in Parliament, shows their stupidity. It is time for them to go on the offensive and gradually build up the momentum for election. Minds can't be changed in 8 days. The WP needs to sow the seeds of discontent right now and water them frequently. Come election time, they will be ripe for harvest.