2021 year of the Trump losers
Loser Trumptards all crashing, coming to terms with reality. Painful to watch
gullible same same as sinkee 61%
Pay $ no ask question type
Yup, fucking stupid people
I see that as time goes by, mental issues are becoming more evident, hence the rise of the "Trump" MAGA crowd.
The lowest, bottom rung of society all identify with the insane, bankrupted loser Donald J Trump
Fuck them who cares
Actually, only the MAGA faithful, apparently. Not very bright, these poor saps
Yup, fucking stupid people
Many morons will be seen on news on Jan 6th. Arrests will be made and you can chuckle at the stupidity of the MAGA Trumptards
The real show is Jan 5th. Much depends on it. The 6th is nothing but noise, fundraising effort.
Well its all officially over, although I look forward to people claiming "libtards" are the problem.
I would say the GOP Republicans are 100X worse than any "libtard"
very fun to watch. better than hollywood movie.
moron TRUMPTARDS shooting, rioting, breaking the washington DC