Not to offend you, but honestly, I wouldn't encourage you to have children... even if you're rich!
Im trying hard to get out of the current stalemate. I dont ask for much. Just a place whereby there is a good balance of life and work, nice environment to live. Both of us love children, but unfortunately still without one. I used to want 2. But now I just want 1 if I still remain in Singapore. This is not the place to raise the kids.
Having or not having kids is of course a personal choice. My wife and I had made that choice not to have. We're pretty much enjoying ourselves, maybe too much :p :p
Yes Raiders an environment of good balance is important for kids and not forgetting also for oneself even if you've got no kids.
Having or not having kids is of course a personal choice. My wife and I had made that choice not to have. We're pretty much enjoying ourselves, maybe too much :p :p
Yes Raiders an environment of good balance is important for kids and not forgetting also for oneself even if you've got no kids.
I would love to try but is a complete dummy in doing that. Are you willing to teach me the basic?
There are quite a few trustworthy ones, but the safest ones are usually those "investment banks" that are owned by a big commercial bank, e.g. DBS Vickers (owned by DBS), OCBC Securities (owned by OCBC), UOB Kay Hian (owned by UOB), etc.
i dont know anything about investing games ...most of my $$$ are invested in my own biz ...
Only invest in company CEO have low paid. If no profit no bonus,no share, no director fee.
Singapore all high salary regardless performance.
There're no millionnaires in this forum, unless he's a millionnaire certified insane. Sane millionnaires have many more better things to do.
good to toe the true and tried idiom
don't put all your eggs in one basket
spread them out ensure equilibrium
diversity helps achieve target
Not that I don't want to help, but I'm no expert:o I'm actually still a newbie in the investing game. Decades ago I simply decided to open an account with Etrade & allocated a proportion of my salary to buying shares in blue chip companies. Over time the shares appreciated.
I remember that when Apple shares were about $250 I recommended to an acquaintance that he should open an account with Etrade & buy some shares. He never took the 1st steps & today the share are around $530 to $550. You don't have to buy Apple shares there are many cheaper shares which provide a dividen e.g. Microsoft. However you have to take the 1st steps. It's a long term project & you need patience.
I know people who flip properties on their spare timeHowever these people can pay cash or leverage their homes & jobs. You've got to have $$$ to do this.
Another option to open an account with Etrade & learn to use options to trade contracts. This is something I am now exploring. Instead of wasting time & listening to the PAP's mantra of "upgrading" One should learn something useful like trading.
I've invested in Malaysia, Spore & US. The best place to invest is the US because it is one of the cheapest markets to invest in.
Thanks for the encouragements, I think one day I need to seriously look into this. The only shares I own are those Singtel shares allocated to us before. Never have the thought to get into shares because I believe one need to have some fundamentals to do this. I really don't have the time. I wonder if this is just an excuse or no guts to get in.
No they don't you twit. Don't be fooled by the PR stunts multimillionaires pull in order to appear generous.
Bono of U2 was exposed for the charlatan that he is when the band moved their assets to a tax haven to avoid tax law changes in Ireland. This is a guy who goes around making headlines by taking governments to task for not doing enough to eliminate poverty. His actions tell a different story.
You're obviously a very gullible person. You're getting conned by both ends of the scale. The "poor" rip you off by getting you to do the dirty work of "fighting for their plight" while the rich have pulled the wool over your eyes.
I think u are too much into yourself or over-indulging in thinking that u can come up with a good peom anytime. u are obviously mistaken. a good peom is not simply one that rhythms. it should be of something that one has to spend some time in interpreting and reflecting. what u have written in all these posts can simply be achieved with a one-liner. So what u have been doing is a pure waste of time. Poems they certainly are not. Rap, maybe, but even for that, it's still of the lowest quality. No wonder u are the greatest balls carrier of Leongsam here.