7 figure is million dollars (you go to school before?), i bet he include his over inflated house price. i bet he own the bank a lot of money too.
He wrote his net worth is at least 7 digits, aka 1 million. Mortgage owned to the bank is not included in net worth, as it is a long term liability. The money he has paid towards his house is included in his net worth though.
Yes I have been to school, that is why I know the fundamentals of accounting, as well as how to use 'owe'. Are you a millionaire as well Singveld?
Hehehehehe. :o
28 years old and still doesn't know the difference between 7 and 8 digits.
He needs to get richer, so that someone can do the maths for him.
Young and english speaking and good in maths.
Wow, you are young, speak so many different languages, and you are already a millionaire, most possibly, a multi-millionaire. You claim to speak three Chinese languages, English and Malay. You are like a chameleon. Landless peasant like me wonders what you stand for in life.
When u got your first million it's real easy to increase more $$$$$$ ..
Wow we have another millionaire on Sammyboy.

7 digits is 1,000,000 to 9,999,999 you twit.
JW5 could be worth no more than a measly 1 million dollars.
Oh it is fault. I am semi-literate and can't count. I grew up in a rented room in a shophouse in Orchard Road with my parents and siblings all squeezed into a room. I slept on the floor, and squeezed with 8 other family members in one single room, until I was 30, when I finally moved out, after I got married to a waitress. When my sisters change their clothes in the room, I have to turn around. We did not have any toilet in the apartment, we must go to a toilet we share with all 300 people in the street.
My mother worked as a maid for a British man. My father was a hawker man. I dropped out of school at age 14 because we had no more money to buy books and failed English and Science throughout my schooling years. We used to watch TV in the hall, one TV for all 300 of us. I have only used Kerosene lamps through my formative years, therefore, I find it hard to grasp science concepts or English or use the computer.
But look at all these book smart people these days, they are only book smart, good for nothing. I am tough, I can survive even without food for three days and sleep on the floor. I am street smart, and I have a lot of life experience and wisdom.