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Ringgit laosai-ing


Alfrescian (Inf)
All currencies will take a hit this year, your precious Sinkie dollars will not be exempt. :cool:


just looked at in a little more detail. It appears that it's specific to the USD only. It's not depreciating to the SGD lately. My eyesight really jialat, but if I saw correctly, this suggests that the USD is on a the upswing rather than the MYR is lao-saiing.

in other words only esnd is getting the benefits...


very Jialat , more Traffic Jam at both checkpoints



I am waiting for it to fall further snd make a bid to buy johore state and claim sinkie aspart of my territory as raja putra.

We can be neighbours. I'm buying one in Nusa Duta.
My territory will be Raja Puki, you will get 10% discount for life for my chickens.


Old Fart
I want to live out the rest of my life on Pulau Langkawi. Anyone wants to join me? Duty-free booze and ciggies, cheap women, not to mention the clear blue waters and great fishing.


I want to live out the rest of my life on Pulau Langkawi. Anyone wants to join me? Duty-free booze and ciggies, cheap women, not to mention the clear blue waters and great fishing.
A close AMDK brit friend I know retired there. He couldn't tahan the cold British winter. Every time I meet him in KL pre Covid days, I would buy him a carton of Marlboro red from Changi Airport. He quit smoking but in KL, we enjoy ourselves :biggrin:


Old Fart
A close AMDK brit friend I know retired there. He couldn't tahan the cold British winter. Every time I meet him in KL pre Covid days, I would buy him a carton of Marlboro red from Changi Airport. He quit smoking but in KL, we enjoy ourselves :biggrin:
Please introduce me to him when I move there, we can all knock back a few pints, shoot the breeze and I'll get him to smoke again. I mean, WTF man, live on a duty-free island and don't smoke? That's so wrong!:biggrin:


Please introduce me to him when I move there, we can all knock back a few pints, shoot the breeze and I'll get him to smoke again. I mean, WTF man, live on a duty-free island and don't smoke? That's so wrong!:biggrin:
Every other day when the weather is good, he's out on his boat enjoying his peaceful retirement life with his relatively young girlfriend. Knn. Sibei jealous of him... :biggrin:


Old Fart
Every other day when the weather is good, he's out on his boat enjoying his peaceful retirement life with his relatively young girlfriend. Knn. Sibei jealous of him... :biggrin:
I want to be like him!! Then you can be jealous of me too. And I will definitely have a few young chio gfs not one! :biggrin: