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Remember to tell your next 18 generations to be grateful to hokkien heroes that built the FIRST AND ONLY Chinese university outside of China!




NTU aka Nanyang university was built with donations of 523 acres of land from Singapore hokkien huay kuan and $5m from Tan Lark Sye in 1953! They are immense benefactors of Singapore and foreigners who have anything to do with Nantah or NTU since 1955 and for next 18 generations!
NTU should be renamed to honor them!


NTU should be renamed to honor them!
Now all they get - 40 years late some more - are a road in NTU vast estate renamed Tan Lark Sye Walk and a building named Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Building. Angmoh the best sure show better gratitude to their immense benefactors indeed.



Now all they get - 40 years late some more - are a road in NTU vast estate renamed Tan Lark Sye Walk and a building named Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Building. Angmoh the best sure show better gratitude to their immense benefactors indeed.

View attachment 189911
Got proof got talk! Angmoh are the best in showing gratitude to their immense benefactors! Just stating fact isn’t it? Want to prove me wrong? Rename ntu lah.



Now all they get - 40 years late some more - are a road in NTU vast estate renamed Tan Lark Sye Walk and a building named Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Building. Angmoh the best sure show better gratitude to their immense benefactors indeed.

View attachment 189911
What’s this? Renamed a road in 523 acres of university land is called honor such immense benefactor that made princely sum of $5m personal donation in 1953. Buay paiseh?


What’s this? Renamed a road in 523 acres of university land is called honor such immense benefactor that made princely sum of $5m personal donation in 1953. Buay paiseh?
And the whole university is sitting on hokkien huay kuan 523 acres of land. Just one building is called honor? Buay paiseh indeed.


And the whole university is sitting on hokkien huay kuan 523 acres of land. Just one building is called honor? Buay paiseh indeed.
NTU should be renamed Tan Lark Sye and Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan University! That’s only right. Nice name too!


NTU should be renamed Tan Lark Sye and Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan University! That’s only right. Nice name too!
Proven it’s not a matter of 小恩小惠or not, even 大恩大德also swept under the carpet by some culture that’s not as grateful to immense benefactor as Angmoh the best.


Proven it’s not a matter of 小恩小惠or not, even 大恩大德also swept under the carpet by some culture that’s not as grateful to immense benefactor as Angmoh the best.
And not as grateful is an understatement. More like very ungrateful to immense benefactor.


Fact that it's the ONLY Chinese donated university points to the selfishness of these people.
They probably donated because it was marshland and if they didn't do it, they'd be jailed for cheating lying and stealing.
What marshland? Have you been to NTU before? Huge and beautiful grounds okay? And your conclusion from the fact is ridiculous. The fact that it’s the ONLY Chinese university built outside China means Hokkien heroes are good and superior people okay?


Fact that it's the ONLY Chinese donated university points to the selfishness of these people.
They probably donated because it was marshland and if they didn't do it, they'd be jailed for cheating lying and stealing.
And don’t keep repeating your lies of hokkien heroes cheating lying and stealing. That’s very ungrateful and without any basis when people like Tan Tock Seng started with selling vegetables and then progressed to trading.


And don’t keep repeating your lies of hokkien heroes cheating lying and stealing. That’s very ungrateful and without any basis when people like Tan Tock Seng started with selling vegetables and then progressed to trading.
Tan made a living by selling vegetables, fruits, fish and other produce in the newly-built city center and eventually earned enough to open a store at Boat Quay in 1827. The store was situated at the mouth of the Singapore River.[4]

He then invested in the J. H. Whitehead of Shaw, Whitehead & Company and engaged in property speculation, becoming wealthy in the process and acquiring large tracts of prime land. Tan owned 50 acres (200,000 m²) near the Tanjong Pagar railway station, disjointed land parcels from the Padangleading up to High Street and Tank Road, several Ellenborough Building shophouses, and even a fruit plantation.[4][5]



Tan Kah Kee was born in Xiamen, Fujian Province, in 1874 during the Qing dynasty of China. In 1890, at the age of 16, he travelled to Singapore in the Straits Settlements to help his father, who owned a rice trading business. In 1903, after his father's business collapsed, Tan started his own company and built a business empire from rubber plantations, manufacturing, sawmills, canneries, real estate, import and export brokerage, ocean transport and rice trading. As he was proficient in Hokkien, he achieved much success doing business in Singaporebecause Hokkien was the lingua franca of overseas Chinese in Singapore throughout most of the 19th and 20th centuries. His business was at its prime from 1912 to 1914 when he was known as the "Henry Ford of the Malayan community".[1]


Tan Lark Sye

Early lifeEdit

Tan was born in a Hoklopeasant family of seven in Jimei of Tong An in Fujian, China. Born into of very limited means, and orphaned young, he had little chance of an education before he made his way to Nanyang in 1916 together with his brothers, at the age of 18.


In Singapore, Tan worked in one of Tan Kah Kee's factories, and within half a year he was promoted to a responsible position in Tan Kah Kee's Khiam Aik (Qianyi) company. Not long afterward, he left the company to set up a rubberenterprise with the help from his brothers, but the enterprise lost half its capital in a year.

Tan then ran it alone and after several years, he built up his Aik Hoe (Yihe) rubber company and became one of the leading rubber industrialists of the region. He expanded his business to all parts of Malaya, Thailandand India and diversified into insurance, paper and cement industries. His career as an industrialist peaked in the 1950s, when his company reaped huge profits from the rising price of rubber.


Actually if you really follow the history, Nanyang University with all its resources was merged into University of Singapore into NUS, that is why NUS logo has Nanyang University logo of the 3 circles. Its died on Lao Lee hands, if there is any real link.....it has stronger links to NUS than current NTU. Only in 1996 alumni rolls of Nanyang University is transferred from NUS to NTU.....

The current NTU has no real link to Nanyang University. it is developed from merger of NIE and NTI (which was then something like a college of NUS for engineers) which was initially used for training teachers and engineers that Singapore badly needed in the 80s. There is no real continuation from the earlier Nantah. NUS transferred its business school in the late 80s (which is a dumb move as they later have to spend time to rebuild a totally new business school from scratch) to NTI and leads to it being promoted to the status of a technical University. only in the mid 2000s I believe with the introduction of medicine etc, finally we have the 2nd full fledged university.
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