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Hokkien heroes not just first and only people to build Chinese university outside China but first overseas Chinese to build university in China too


Of course yes.
It's demanded by the religion. Settle all debts. Esp your parent's.

It's another question if it's the in-laws debts. Hahaha
Really? I don’t know any Malay son of bankrupt did that in Spore. If he did, will be in the news like Tan Kah Kee.


Really? I don’t know any Malay son of bankrupt did that in Spore. If he did, will be in the news like Tan Kah Kee.
Unlike chinks who like to advertise, Muslims do it on the quiet.
The prophet already reminded us, and I paraphrase, when doing good do quietly such that even your left hand doesn't know your right hand is doing it.


Unlike chinks who like to advertise, Muslims do it on the quiet.
The prophet already reminded us, and I paraphrase, when doing good do quietly such that even your left hand doesn't know your right hand is doing it.
It’s not called Tan Kah Kee advertised but it’s just so rare that it became widely known that he is so good and honest businessman and his business flourished.


Wow Xiamen university so pretty. Looks like NTU indeed.
