This RI boy definitely does not feel he belongs to P. Tekong .
Just like this NTU student :’t-feel-i-belong-over-here
"Why I don’t feel I belong over here? "
July 11th, 2011 | Author: Contributions
It is not only academics who are discriminated. NTU students are also discriminated in favor of foreign students.
I will never donate a single cent to NTU. I overpaid for my education there. Here are my reasons:
NTU keeps raising school fees even as teaching quality declines
NTU lecturers are not keen to teach. Small wonder if they are being discriminated for devoting more time to teaching instead of research.
Some lecturers like Michael Heng (teaches HR in School of EEE) have complained that they could not get tenure because teaching is not important. Other colleagues agreed with him on conditions of anonymity. Read article below:
NTU, before you raise your school fees next time, look into the mirror first and think whether you deserve it or not. We students pay to be educated, not for the university to gain prestige through research. Please give us better value for our money.
NTU recruits foreign lecturers who need to take English lessons from their students first
NTU, your school fees cost me an arm and a leg. When I attend lectures, I want to understand the lecturers. Tell me, how can I understand if the lecturers cannot speak a proper English sentence without slaughtering the language? I pay to learn, not to be entertained by comical lecturers with funny accent and laughable grammar.
I don’t blame the lecturers. If I were them, I would gladly take up a 10-digit salary job even if I know I cannot do the job properly. I blame NTU for recruiting these lecturers. I can be forgiving if these lecturers are highly eloquent and manage to bluff their way through. But these lecturers’ poor English is impossible to miss during any job interview. The senior management who recruited these lecturers ought to be sacked.
Meanwhile, I am issuing a warning letter to you. If you do not show improvement soon, we are going to video-tape these comical lectures and post them on youtube. Let the world be the judge. I will personally make the extra effort to send these videos to every university ranking board for them to make the right assessment in their ranking of NTU. By the way, if you dare raise school fees without showing improvement, you can be sure you will receive a well-informed ranking from every university ranking boards in the world.
I cannot understand why I have to repeat an extra year of schooling if I fail English and yet, NTU lecturers who fail English get paid 10-digit salaries to teach me.
Singaporeans pay to study while foreigners get paid to study
This is so ridiculous that no foreigners will believe me if I tell them this is happening in the Singapore universities. Where in the world do you have local students being discriminated in favor of foreign students? Foreign students are offered free education and paid allowance. Some of them cannot even secure a 2nd-upper honors. I know of some who even got a pass with Merit and 3rd-class honors only. Scholars with 3rd-class honors and below? Don’t believe me? Ask NTU school of EEE to open up their records from 1998 onwards. This can easily be verified. This is so unfair to local students who graduate with 2nd-upper honors and above but are burdened with heavy student loans while foreigners with poorer results graduate with no financial burden at all. Why did I do National Service for? To be suckers to foreign students?
Giving freebies to foreigners is really a stupid way to attract talent. Instead of attracting talent, you actually turn talent into parasites. Giving money away freely breeds parasites. It makes people lazy. It is amazing this can come from a government who adopts a stingy nanny approach to its citizens (“We don’t want Singaporeans to develop a crutch mentality”). Yet, when it comes to foreigners, it gives money so freely until smart foreign students become lazy. Don’t believe me? Ask the local NTU students. A lot of unbelievable things are happening in NTU.
NTU, I know you are hard up for donation money. You probably fail miserably on this aspect in the university ranking. Let me do you a favor. Go and beg from the foreign scholars, if they have not flown home. Because they are the ones who should be grateful, not local students like me who overpaid for our education in NTU. You don’t offer value for money.
NTU is super over-crowded
No amount of words can describe how crowded NTU is. NTU students, you know what I mean.
The over-crowdedness is at least more tolerable if NTU is filled with fellow Singaporeans or highly deserving foreign scholars (not smart but lazy foreign “scholars” or mediocre foreign “scholars” who cannot even get a 2nd-upper). I feel this is so unfair to fellow Singaporeans who are denied university places and have to take on heavy financial burden to study overseas. The irony is that some of these rejected Singaporean students did very well overseas and never returned. I don’t blame them for losing their loyalty. Maybe even their parents have lost feelings for the country. Which parent would not? They sacrificed a comfortable retirement due to their children’s expensive overseas education and what did they get in return? Their children didn’t want to return home anymore.
What is NTU doing in China?
If an alien lands in NTU, he will think that NTU is located in China. NTU has totally lost its sense of local identity. Just go to the canteen and look at the selection of canteen food. It just shows how extreme the proportion of PRCs in the university becomes until a Singapore university has lost its own identity. I feel sad as a Singaporean. I feel even sadder for my non-Chinese Singaporean comrades. I wonder how they are feeling as a Singaporean studying in NTU.
Do you think NTU deserves getting more than one cent of donation from me? I have absolutely no loyalty to NTU. Thanks to the discriminatory government education policies, I belong to a “lost” generation in Singapore.
Mr Goh Chok Tong, you used to be one of my favorite politician when I was a kid but now, no more. In response to Lim ZiRui’s feedback that many young people no longer felt a sense of ownership to Singapore, you asked “Why should I be working for people who don’t feel they belong over here?”
This article is my answer to your question, Mr Goh.