what the newspapers showed is just the mid section and is nothing yet. Like I said you don't know anything at all and is a nobody. Nobody has any photos of the first two section but I have been inside and seen and travelled in it. at least mel haggard knwos what I am talking about. there are certain objects in the first two section and unless you can tell me what these two objects are which other private jets do not have ,you and your so called millionaire freinds with private kucing kurapjets are just being hot air here. you haven't seen anything yet and your friends private jets are no match. Like I said he has a fleet of 8 at least count, smallest is an aorbus 300 and all tailored in saame colour and motifs. at least I get to eat and travelled IN his jets!!! BTW the chocs are specially commissioned and only people who have eaten them and travelled in them knows what I mean.
I wonder why are you boasting about your friend's wealth? What about your own wealth? Anyway don't bother to reply, thanks to you and your imaginery "friends", this thread is way off-topic already.