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Serious Prof Dennis Etler: Why is the West attacking China?


Alfrescian (Inf)
LOL. Continue burying your head in the sand, dreaming of American invincibility and ultra-secret earthshaking technologies...

Denial always heralds decline.
how is the imc able to supply munitions to both ukraine and israel continuously after so long still defies your silliness. and you forgot the imc is not limited to those 2 supply lines. there’s jp, tw, new nato cuntries sweden and finland, poland, and now a sea client failippines asking for the latest. very soon failippines will inherit older usn ships slated for retirement and the scrap heap. those “old” ships are not that old having served for 36.9 years.


how is the imc able to supply munitions to both ukraine and israel continuously after so long still defies your silliness. and you forgot the imc is not limited to those 2 supply lines. there’s jp, tw, new nato cuntries sweden and finland, poland, and now a sea client failippines asking for the latest. very soon failippines will inherit older usn ships slated for retirement and the scrap heap. those “old” ships are not that old having served for 36.9 years.
Oops... touched a raw nerve didn't I... don't get your knickers in a twist...lol

Talking about brains... Scroobal was right - you were never the sharpest tool in the shed... your simplistic, knee-jerk, recycled responses making repeated references to your infallible MIC - which is actually destroying the wealth of America by the day - are beginning to sound like a broken record...

Continue to stick your head in... And keep parroting away. Or just stick to the fluff threads where you're never out of your depth. LOL


Alfrescian (Inf)
Oops... touched a raw nerve didn't I... don't get your knickers in a twist...lol

Talking about brains... Scroobal was right - you were never the sharpest tool in the shed... your simplistic, knee-jerk, recycled responses making repeated references to your infallible MIC - which is actually destroying the wealth of America by the day - are beginning to sound like a broken record...

Continue to stick your head in... And keep parroting away. Or just stick to the fluff threads where you're never out of your depth. LOL
another stupid scroobal clone. all your knickers in a twist and not the sharpest tool in the shed phrases click like the bozo you are. all this time i know you’re a paid ccp stooge. never an asset for the sg establishment but a stupid ccp spy. hello george yeo.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Oops... touched a raw nerve didn't I... don't get your knickers in a twist...lol

Talking about brains... Scroobal was right - you were never the sharpest tool in the shed... your simplistic, knee-jerk, recycled responses making repeated references to your infallible MIC - which is actually destroying the wealth of America by the day - are beginning to sound like a broken record...

Continue to stick your head in... And keep parroting away. Or just stick to the fluff threads where you're never out of your depth. LOL
Jealousy my friend, jealousy. It is also hard to swallow for someone who went chasing American dream just to realise it is a poor choice.

syed putra

1. In WW2 America was in the ascendant. Now it's in a (relative) decline.
2. It is a poker game... I don't think the US has the royal flush, being knee-deep in debt ($42 trillion) but it's still certainly the most powerful military around and still has the knowhow and resources to ramp up their readiness. Xi's cards aren't great by a long shot... but I don't he's falling for the bait... yet. He may be a better poker player than you think.
US decline as industrial power is result of its capitalist nature. Even its oil and gas industries prefer to use china built pipes rather than more expensive US built ones.
Their warships will use japanese shipyards for maintenance as its local shipyards continue to shrink in capability.
Their latest frigates will be built in Italy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
ccp’s pride and propaganda about the future and ascendance of tiongcock.





Jealousy my friend, jealousy. It is also hard to swallow for someone who went chasing American dream just to realise it is a poor choice.
You put your finger on it, bro. Our forum airhead from Bedok was chasing the American dream but his mediocrity let him down. Sadly he's now turned into a deluded old man spending all his time at the keyboard defending his beloved (crumbling) empire against an imaginary foe in the form of the CCP and China. Leave him be.


ask any failippino a few years ago about tiongcock they would be 50-50 but if you ask now 100% are angry with tiongcock and the ccp. why ccp must stir shit in burma, then with vietnam, now with failippines when their hands are full with tw?
Funny no one talks about the chicons invasion of Hongkie land, and invasion of Tibet... and chicons land invasion of the Spratlys and Senkaku Islands....


hitler made the same mistake as napoleon. had the european continent firmly secured and got carried away to conquer russia. both napoleon and hitler should wait out a few more years with more men and might to unite europe to knock out russia. instead they couldn’t wait and rushed in with over confidence. unker sam was more than relieved to make use of russia (soviet in ww2) to be meat grinder in eastern front. western front became much easier.
Actually I disagree about Hitler attacking the USSR. If Hitler played his cards right...the USSR would have won operation Barbarossa if Hitler allowed his generals to run the invasion instead of interfering here and there.(For example delaying the invasion of Moscow).and the krauts should never have declared war on Yankeeland after pear harbour as the nips saboed the krauts.

And if Hitler did not invade the USSR..the USSR would have invaded the krauts the next year


Alfrescian (Inf)
Actually I disagree about Hitler attacking the USSR. If Hitler played his cards right...the USSR would have won operation Barbarossa if Hitler allowed his generals to run the invasion instead of interfering here and there.(For example delaying the invasion of Moscow).and the krauts should never have declared war on Yankeeland after pear harbour as the nips saboed the krauts.

And if Hitler did not invade the USSR..the USSR would have invaded the krauts the next year
the germans with total consolidation of europe would be more than a match for soviet russia. vast improvements in tank, armor, and jet aircraft would have turned the tide against the soviets plus the addition of more men and arms from eastern europe and scandinavia into the nazi army. soviets without help from america could not handle nazi europe alone.


the germans with total consolidation of europe would be more than a match for soviet russia. vast improvements in tank, armor, and jet aircraft would have turned the tide against the soviets plus the addition of more men and arms from eastern europe and scandinavia into the nazi army. soviets without help from america could not handle nazi europe alone.
Another reason was the krauts treated the eastern Europeans badly and the Nordic states too. If they treated those conquered ppl better the man power added would be huge but Hitler abused them..hence they all joined the soviets...it was sad that the krauts were actually treated as liberators....


Alfrescian (Inf)
Another reason was the krauts treated the eastern Europeans badly and the Nordic states too. If they treated those conquered ppl better the man power added would be huge but Hitler abused them..hence they all joined the soviets...it was sad that the krauts were actually treated as liberators....
they tekan the norwegians because norwegians sided with allies and resisted nazi occupation early in the war. however, there was an ss division that was majority nordic including norwegians, swedes, finnish. nordics were considered the superior race by the nazis. as for eastern axis forces, hungarians were considered better than the romanians.


they tekan the norwegians because norwegians sided with allies and resisted nazi occupation early in the war. however, there was an ss division that was majority nordic including norwegians, swedes, finnish. nordics were considered the superior race by the nazis. as for eastern axis forces, hungarians were considered better than the romanians.
And as a result the krauts lost the war


The US is prepared to sacrifice and destroy Taiwan for its own ends.


Wed, Jun 12, 2024​

  • US plans ‘Hellscape’ strategy to defend Taiwan​

    • By Jonathan Chin / Staff writer, with CNA
    The US plans to deploy thousands of drones in the Taiwan Strait in an operation called “Hellscape” to ensure that any attempt by China to invade Taiwan does not succeed, US Indo-Pacific Commander Admiral Samuel Paparo told the Washington Post.
    In an article published on Monday, columnist Josh Rogin quoted Paparo as saying from the sidelines of the recent Shangri-La Dialogue defense forum in Singapore that the “Hellscape” strategy would involve deploying thousands of uncrewed submarines, surface vessels and aerial vehicles around Taiwan to buy the nation, Washington and its partners time to assemble a response.
    The plan was devised to deter Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平), who is likely hoping to mount an overwhelming attack with little warning to avoid a protracted war of attrition similar to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the column quoted Paparo as saying.