This blackbox survryor is as "unbiased" on the online survey in here.
Your logic is flawed and this exposes your inferior sinkie genes.
They can always eat the food and still vote Opposition.
His logic is sound. What he's saying is that as long as they're freebies or bribes on offer, Singaporeans are quite happy to overlook past transgressions.
ThWhat a glorious morning to learn that PAP will gain more votes. We all must believe so, PAP cadres, the common people, especially the cabinet ministers we all must believe so. More good years for Singapore. Majulah PAP. Long live Lee Kuan Yew for ten thousand year and more.
Once these 2 conditions are met, Sinkie will willingly take it up.
1) what's in it for me?
2) Everything I can have for FREE, I also want!
Which is why the Pappies will be so easy to win the votes of these Sinkie!