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Chitchat Who voted for the oppositions in all the last 3 GE ?

Robert Half

They are chickenshit assholes who have been gaslighted into believing that the sky will fall down when the PAP is toppled from power.

Not too long ago, the Taiwanese folks felt the same way towards KMT. But they grew up and discarded the Chiangs. Sinkies are still immature and beholden to the Lees.

As I remembered .. the late old man Li Ao hated the Sinkies to the core.


They are people who always complain about the rulings but voted for them every GE.

I think these are not sincere people in life :thumbsdown:
I have interviewed such people. At least 3 of them. They all have the same answer.
They said becos their side oppie cannot make it so they have no choice but to vote for pap even they dislike them.

Robert Half

I have interviewed such people. At least 3 of them. They all have the same answer.
They said becos their side oppie cannot make it so they have no choice but to vote for pap even they dislike them.

Then they shouldn’t complain about rulings even when if life is difficult for them.


In this forum .. anyone of you guys had voted for the oppositions in 2011, 2015 & 2020 ?

I mean all the last 3 GE .. you voted for the oppositions.

Please have a show of hands :biggrin: