here's another one I saw online...
You may think its a common marriage photo, but its not so, heres why:
a. if you save the picture and open it using a image viewing program, zoom in to the lady's legs, do you find that she isn't standing? More like suspended in the air !
b. zoom in to her face, do you notice that her eyes are rolled up ? Much like someone who hanged herself !
c. now, look at the mirror, vaguely you see two images - yup, that was their obitury photo.
d. now zoom out, observe the overall dressing and headgear of the lady - its much like those paper effigy that was burnt as offering to the dead.
e. zoom in to the bottom right hand corner, theres a vague watermark, what do you see ?
f. finally, check out the lady's right hand, theres none !