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Just now I saw a fierce jiuhu-kia quarreled with an old uncle in Kimly stall


This jiuhu-kia shouted at old uncle: pls don’t blame me that I come to Singapore to work in caipeng stall and my salary is higher than yours.

Pls blame your government because they issued work permit to me. Without the support of your government, I cannot work here and enjoy 1sgd to 3.3myr

That old man lan lan walked off

Nothing new. Just like most boomers here. Useless


Alfrescian (Inf)
This jiuhu-kia shouted at old uncle: pls don’t blame me that I come to Singapore to work in caipeng stall and my salary is higher than yours.

Pls blame your government because they issued work permit to me. Without the support of your government, I cannot work here and enjoy 1sgd to 3.3myr

That old man lan lan walked off
Adding insult to injury, that old man will continue to vote for PAPPY. I find it very sinkies mentality.