i agree US is very busy body and intervene too much in other countries affairs. You forget jihad and sectarian attacks between muslim countries in ME. Even without US and NATO, the ME is very messy. Western allies helped ME countries to get rid of their dictators in Arab Spring, they also killed innocent targets by mistake not by plan.
Sectarian attacks is between themselves. Why kapo interfere and kill the innocents? Ur family disputes, i interfere and kill ur family members. U happy?
In this world teres no freebies. No such thing as i help get rid of Saddam and get nothing in return. Are u nuts? With interference fm USA and western powers, it made matters worst! Most of the innocents were killed deliberately or couldnt care less attitude. Afterall they were Muslims whereas the invaders were xtians, no? US and allies used carpet bombing, no? ME is like hell fire. Look at Iraq. Till now no peace. Sectarian war on the increase.
Now, if u care to do some research, u will know suicide bombing only started to increase after sept 11, 2001. So no need a rocket scientist to tell u why the Muslims are angry with US/Israel.
Iran 1980 [Invasion]
9/11 2001 [evil ploy by zionist jews/xtians]
Afghanistan 2001 [Invasion]
Iraq 2003 [Invasion of Iraq}
Lybia 2011 [downfall of Gadafi]
Egypt 2011 [egypt revolution]
Syria 2014 [Invade/air strike Syria]
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