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Chitchat PM Lawrence Wong wants you to know help is coming!

Scrooball (clone)



He speaks as if he is providing some form of antidote, but is actually giving bread crumbs with hidden agenda for kum gongs to vote for PAP in next GE as usual, rinse and repeat, LOL.

Instead of solving the real cost of living problems mainly due to sky-high HDB land costs (suck hundreds of thousands of $$$ into Reserves), ranjiao COEs/crazy revised ARFs - these two alone are the root cause which negates the effects of salary increase making people feel poorer with less savings when they buy food or groceries, he continues to throw smokescreen to hookwink S'poreans.

Suck hundreds of thousands $$$ from citizens but give only a few batches of a couple of hundred dollars, very lucrative business model indeed NBCB.

This PCB farker should be lynched in public. In fact, all the PAP MPs are guilty and should be sacked and voted out in next GE NBCB.


how to help? these inflations are caused by the ang mo interest rate rising how are our MIW able to control except to issue some more cdc


He speaks as if he is providing some form of antidote, but is actually giving bread crumbs with hidden agenda for kum gongs to vote for PAP in next GE as usual, rinse and repeat, LOL.

Instead of solving the real cost of living problems mainly due to sky-high HDB land costs (suck hundreds of thousands of $$$ into Reserves), ranjiao COEs/crazy revised ARFs - these two alone are the root cause which negates the effects of salary increase making people feel poorer with less savings when they buy food or groceries, he continues to throw smokescreen to hookwink S'poreans.

Suck hundreds of thousands $$$ from citizens but give only a few batches of a couple of hundred dollars, very lucrative business model indeed NBCB.

This PCB farker should be lynched in public. In fact, all the PAP MPs are guilty and should be sacked and voted out in next GE NBCB.
He really 为国为民


He conveniently left out the issue of high rentals. The commercial rentals have skyrocketed, driving up prices of food and services. Again, minister in-charge is sleeping on the job while pretending to care about sinkie football.

And he even dare to talk about jobs? They are all going to Ceca cockroaches and our newly minted PRC shitizens!
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