Looks like pinoy will win the subaru car. not even one fall out yet. damn bloody giam png..
Looks like pinoy will win the subaru car. not even one fall out yet. damn bloody giam png..
Pinoys are people too. Why can't they win cars like anyone else?
Pinoys are people too. Why can't they win cars like anyone else?
Eh? Is the pinoy a citizen, PR or free loader S-Pass?
All pinoys are freeloaders, including the fucktard boxer that goes by the name Manny Fukqiao who got viciously knocked-out in a recent bout.
When it comes to freeloading, you can't beat the sinkies. They want to be paid $5000 for doing a $500 job.
All pinoys are freeloaders, including the fucktard boxer that goes by the name Manny Fukqiao who got viciously knocked-out in a recent bout.
There are worse Sinkies out there who despite earning a million bucks and yet still steal toothpicks from Chinese restaurants!
There are worse Sinkies out there who despite earning a million bucks and yet still steal toothpicks from Chinese restaurants!
unload the piece of junk on the cheap to a scrap car dealer who will cheaply sell it to a bargain-hunting local.
This contest is bad for health and should be stopped. No good to stress the kidney, bad for blood circulation etc.