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Chitchat PAP To Provide Extra 15,000 Pre-School Places For Little Sinkies! Any Parent Sending Their Kids To Oppie Pre-Schools? PAP! PAP!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

SINGAPORE: The Government has reaffirmed its commitment to create more places for pre-school children over the next five years.

Speaking at the PAP Community Foundation’s (PCF) annual Family Day at Gardens by the Bay on Sunday (9 Sep), Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong - who was Guest of Honour - noted that in the last three years, PCF Sparkletots has created close to 10,000 places across its childcare and infant care centres.

The PCF is the charitable arm of the People’s Action Party, and runs the Sparkletots pre-schools and Sparkle Care for senior citizens.

“In the next five years, we’re going to provide pre-school for another 15,000 children by building larger pre-schools and upgrading existing ones,” Mr Lee said.

The PCF will also enhance the learning and development of its educators and staff, and provide more support for needy students.

“Providing affordable, high quality pre-school education is one important way that the Government and the PCF are helping young families cope with the cost of living. Dual income families particularly can be confident that their children will be well-taken care of when they are both at work," PM Lee added.

Mr Lee was addressing children and families from the more than 360 PCF Sparkletots pre-schools islandwide and seniors from PCF Sparkle Care @ Yew Tee. The PCF is the largest pre-school operator.


Two more Sparkle Care Centres will also be opened by mid-2019 bringing the total number of senior care centres to five.

The PCF Chief Executive Victor Bay said it is expanding its capacity in early years and senior care. "We are also creating more opportunities for the young to build stronger bonds with our seniors by organising inter-generational activities at both PCF Sparkletots and PCF Sparkle Care," he added.

The PAP’s Members of Parliament also raised S$666,000 as part of the event. The funds will benefit 21 charities and causes.

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/new...s-at-pcf-centres-in-the-next-5-years-10699160