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PAP in Town Council Scandal


Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

I told you guys that they did not get a cent and the aim was not grease the palms of their associates but to cripple Aljunied Town Council.

The question to ask is who funded $140k to the $2 company to buy the software. The money trail will be interesting. $2 shell companies are commonplace and is a feature of the modern business. Typically they are used as vehicles of convenience.

As I said before, there is no corrupt practices involved here. Its a blatant attempt to sabotage of municipal body because they lost the elections.

What is more interesting is that they knew in late 2010 that they were going to lose seats and set it up 4 months before the elections. Also explains why our "Goodnews" PM and our "Badnews" DPM cannot be decisive about the BE.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

I wonder why the other 4 companies after collecting the tender agreement did not bother to submit their bids. :confused:

Some knuckledusters called them up and tell them to bugger off? :*:

What kind of low down politics they are playing? Just imagine what will happen if they get voted out of office. They will pack up everything, including your CPF and run road? :confused: :*:

If that is the end game, might as well get it done as early as possible so the damaged be lessened rather than giving the 超级白 more time to systematically skim Singapore off. :mad: :mad:

hi there

1. aiyoh!
2. the name of its game: all-in-one-familee hoh


Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

Thanks for the update. so now we know what actually happened. Sylvia Lim lied then.

sylvia won't lied 1. pap are the 1, who lied to singaporelang for many many years liao. PE lang ming will kick the pay n pay out in the
coming by election.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

I told you guys that they did not get a cent and the aim was not grease the palms of their associates but to cripple Aljunied Town Council.

The question to ask is who funded $140k to the $2 company to buy the software. The money trail will be interesting. $2 shell companies are commonplace and is a feature of the modern business. Typically they are used as vehicles of convenience.

As I said before, there is no corrupt practices involved here. Its a blatant attempt to sabotage of municipal body because they lost the elections.

What is more interesting is that they knew in late 2010 that they were going to lose seats and set it up 4 months before the elections. Also explains why our "Goodnews" PM and our "Badnews" DPM cannot be decisive about the BE.

This action of theirs is overt in nature. Imagine the covert ones to sabo!


Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

This stinks to high heaven. How much did Aljunied get as their share of the sale. I wonder who did the business case? This requires a proper investigation.

Bunch of mudderfuckers.

town councils developed software how much?

sell to AIM at $140,000, charge $785/month per town council, 14 TC=10,990 per month, one year $131,880,,, wow,,,, return of investment 13 months,,,,,,,

and it is chandra daz,,,, members has benefits?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

This stinks to high heaven. How much did Aljunied get as their share of the sale. I wonder who did the business case? This requires a proper investigation.

Bunch of mudderfuckers.

hi there

1. aiyoh!
2. our local half-pail-water media still cannot pick up those missing links meh:rolleyes:
3. the more aim explains the muddy it gets.
4. all the tell-tale signs.
5. it just does not add up!
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

town councils developed software how much?

sell to AIM at $140,000, charge $785/month per town council, 14 TC=10,990 per month, one year $131,880,,, wow,,,, return of investment 13 months,,,,,,,

Yes, how much was the development cost?
What's the reason for relinquishing the ownership?
Who were the other 4 who collected the tender agreement?
How was the tender publicised? Any possibility of similarity to NParks' tender process?
What was the projected lifespan of the System? Was the selling price fair considering that AIM is able to recoup its investment in just 13 months?
The statement seems to suggest that the software needs no maintenance. If that was the case, why sell it? If it needs maintenance, who are the one doing it?
AIM only owns the rights to the software, so all computer hardware belong to the respective TCs
Who collated the data and converted them to the format AHTC preferred during the handing over process? Does AIM has full-/part-time staff to do all these? If not, Who did it?
Dr Teo also said the handover by AIM to AHTC took place from 27 May to 9 September, and during the transition, AIM had promptly handed over all data and information to AHTC in accordance with the TC's preferred format.

There seems to be more questions than answers!!


Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

Clutching of straws - that is the only thing that I can say to the statement by the computer company.

The first extension was for a month, the second for 2 weeks but I think the second request was to allow the previous managing entity to reconcile the numbers.

The comments about the hardware is irrelevant and disingenuous on the part of Teo and he knows it. He is telling us that he only took the engine but the rest of car is still intact. I am sure his kids must be wondering what kind of dishonest father they got. I am sure they did not take the hardware is that it more expensive to maintain.

When people go to the extent of creating a charade in the form of an open tender, it tells you that a conspiracy exist. This is a form of rigging the tender process. If the other parties are not complicit in the tender process, like all companies, they will be wondering who their competitors are. Would a normal business want to take on the 3 ex PAP MPs and think that it is business wise in the long run.


Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

Have to wait for them to comment first before we dive in. If not OSA/ISA ...........

When Goh Keng Swee, then Hon Sui Sen started companies on behalf of the govt, they did with an altruistic intent with Singaporeans in mind. When you speak to the Hon family, you knew how honest and caring family they were. humble. Joan Hon did not have to work but she was so humble and mixed with everyone.

These arseholes took their approach to GLC legacy and ruined it. Instead of GLCs serving the nation, it is now a vehicle to abuse the democratic process, provide employment to their kins and associates and do the party bidding.

This action of theirs is overt in nature. Imagine the covert ones to sabo!


Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

The due process were adhered to, open and documented. Sylvia misrepresented the process to Singkies. Shame on her.


Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

They are best at "FIX"... ie. fixing good people.

To fix good people is the ultimate rogue act, and a disservice, or even a crime, to humanity itself.

But good people are by nature not inclined to'fix anybody, not even an enemy. The moral quality of a leadershop, and all those who support them, is plain for all to see.

This action of theirs is overt in nature. Imagine the covert ones to sabo!
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Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

Great and legitimate questions bro.

SBF governing body has agreed to hold an inquiry and a board will be constituted. I nominate you to lead the board of inquiry. Leave no stones unturned. Go where no man has gone before. Your board to will have the powers to subpoena witness, to requisition papers and documents, take depositions and choose a place of sitting.

The Terms of Reference
1. Which individual initiated this?

2. What the formal meeting when this was discussed, who were the parties present and where the minutes of the meeting or meetings which led to the decision.

3. Who prepared and presented the business case.

4. Who if any contacted AIM to tender and what was the briefing given and where was it given.

5. What are the identities of the other companies that tendered. Did anyone approach them and what were content of all communications with them.

6. What are the terms of contract.

7. Who developed the original software and what were the terms of the original contract including maintenance terms.

8. Who sat on the tender board. What the factors that led to the decision

9. How many PAP members are involved in all 5 tendering firms.

10. Using the incident and the context where Vasoo sacked Chee for $200 plus and taxi change, would this incident rank higher or lower in terms of misconduct and or abuse of position.

Yes, how much was the development cost?
What's the reason for relinquishing the ownership?
Who were the other 4 who collected the tender agreement?
How was the tender publicised? Any possibility of similarity to NParks' tender process?
What was the projected lifespan of the System? Was the selling price fair considering that AIM is able to recoup its investment in just 13 months?
The statement seems to suggest that the software needs no maintenance. If that was the case, why sell it? If it needs maintenance, who are the one doing it?

Who collated the data and converted them to the format AHTC preferred during the handing over process? Does AIM has full-/part-time staff to do all these? If not, Who did it?

There seems to be more questions than answers!!

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: On mis-Aiming and Low Blows

If this is all the PAP internet brigade can come out with, I worry. There is apparently one segment of our youth who are so focussed on advancing their party line they have literally forgotten how to think logically.

(a) "PAP could not have anticipated loss of a GRC"? That's a big piece of smelly bullshit. With all the intelligence and ground survey taken you chaps would have known way in advance that the ground was not sweet for the PAP. You chaps also knew in advance that LTK had plans to move out into a GRC. You can be forgiven for not knowing which. But to claim that PAP did not know that a GRC could fall is dishonest.

(b) The software was developed using residents' money. You then sell it to a company owned by 3 ex PAP MPs and then allow that company to profit by allowing it to lease it back to the town councils for a fee. I say this calls for a CPIB investigation. Anyone can easily understand this particular money trail stinks to high heaven.

(c) Throughout the whole article, it is NEVER explained why PAP wards can lease the software from the company but opposition wards cannot. This brings me to the next point ....

(d) Even if there is genuinely no criminal intent, the fact remains that all this is just another tactic to deny opposition wards access to facilities and infrastructure developed by the PAP using taxpayer money. This is pettiness and smacks of desperation.

Bloody morons who cannot even think straight but only know how to spout the bullshit that comes out of your master's mouth. Intellectually dishonest as well. PHUI (sideways spit)
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Re: On mis-Aiming and Low Blows

This episode reeks to high heaven. You can't get rid of the smell. There are so many holes that mending them would be an onerous task..

This was done in bad faith. Despite this incident having surfaced few days ago, no one has explained the rationale for such a move. Das and Teo both cannot provide a simple reason for the change. A reason that makes sense.

Even if one assumes for the sake of argument that Sylvia, the entire WP and its appointed managing agent are completely incompetent, wholly dishonest, it still begs the reason why this sale and lease back was done.

No need for war stories? Just an acceptable reason will do.
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Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

Why did Sylvia Lim misrepresented what actually happened?
Why did she choose on purpose to deceive singkies?

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

It has NEVER been explained why PAP wards can lease the software from the company but opposition wards cannot.

Even if there is genuinely no criminal intent, the fact remains that all this is just another tactic to deny opposition wards access to facilities and infrastructure developed by the PAP using taxpayer money. This is pettiness and smacks of desperation.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

A $2 company can tendered for a big project like this? The standard is set way too low. I spell fish somewhere and where did they get the $140K to purchase back the software? Besides, why the sudden withdrawal when the opposition came in, isn't it unncessary if the software is paid by TC residents?


Re: On mis-Aiming and Low Blows

This is why the reason why the SCM has been discredited repeatedly for years. Oxford, Harvard and all the great institutions confer academic qualifications and awards. But none of them can certify one values or regard their graduating students as honest. That is not their job.

The fourth estate has a powerful valued role in any society. They have helped free people from despots and madmen. In many ways they have also been used as tools of oppressions. In Singapore and the rest of the world, the perception is very clear. That seems to be no doubt.

Sadly when they retire, they seem to find their spine but it is rather too late. Then comes the sermon about
How they fought the good fight and managed to deliver whatever they could.

On mis-Aiming and Low Blows
by Wah June Hwang on Monday, 24 December 2012 at 01:59 ·

I'd like to share some of my thoughts on the recent discussions on the sale of accounting software developed by PAP Town Councils to a private company (AIM), and subsequent claims that this caused Aljunid-Hougang Town Council to be unable to submit its financial reports for audit.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

It has NEVER been explained why PAP wards can lease the software from the company but opposition wards cannot.

Even if there is genuinely no criminal intent, the fact remains that all this is just another tactic to deny opposition wards access to facilities and infrastructure developed by the PAP using taxpayer money. This is pettiness and smacks of desperation.

This is a private for profit company and considering that it only has 14 clients, choose to terminate one. Does it make business sense?
What was the "material change" that was cited?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Computer firm says town council's claim "inaccurate"

SBF governing body has agreed to hold an inquiry and a board will be constituted. I nominate you to lead the board of inquiry.

Heh heh heh.... you SBF lowlifes better don't play play with me. I am now the Chairman of the all powderful BOI that has the potential to bring down all 82 PAPpies MPs in one fell swoop. Better show some respect, understand? :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: