er... can you please show me which MNCs do a lot of business in Canada? Only mining, gas and oil and forestry companies. Canada is a primary producer. Their manufacturing and service sectors are small appendices to these primary drivers in their economy.
Not too far from the truth. Even cars must meet special Canadian regulations that differ from the US. Although they have made it follow US regulations, they still insist that theirs must be followed. But you don't need to see about copiers. A lot of jobs demand that you have so many years of Canadian experience and training before they will give it to you. I once read the story about
a PhD from Germany mechanical engineering have to work in 7-11 because he's not qualified for entry-level job in Canada. Really champion. I'd rather take a German engineered machine than just about any other in the world. Can look at all the Indians with degrees driving taxis because it's not Canadian degree or don't have Canadian experience.
They still need them. But look at it from their point of view. They don't need bankers at all. They have by and large lazy population don't want to do these things so give migration to these people. They have no need for highly qualified people. What to go and cut wood ah? Dig for oil and jade? They just need cooks and panel beaters to take care of the people making tons of money in those industries. But having said that, the minimum wage is very high. Most people can afford most things. Whether they want to work full day or spend stoned on drugs is another question.
Singapore is unique. Ok not exactly unique, but without MNCs singapore will not go anywhere. No indigenous world class industries. There are exceptions of course. Back in the day, SIA, PSA and their related industries made a killing from using strategic positioning geographically and value-wise. So without HP and Compaq and Shell in the beginning what would happen? Got 80s growth?
If only that was true! There are no products worth buying coming out of Canada. Except for the aforementioned, oil and gas, wood and mining and maybe some agricultural products. Even their fishing industry is half-baked.
He's a doctor. what for he care what products are being used? He care that he can practice and tahn chiak what...
That's funny! Although Canadians have no appreciation for high tech products, they do love Jap cars. Honda Civic best selling car. Oh wait. they also like Sony Playstation...