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Our military expenditure almost equal to Malaysia's & Indonesia's combined!


Bro, u must remember one thing, when you increase your spending, your neighbours also increase. It's a never ending game... I would rather we increase our diplomacy among the neighbours... everyone decrease their spendings in the region so that all can channel their defence money somewhere else... it's a win-win for all.


In the olden days, China would marry off their princesses to the outlining barbarian states so as to increase goodwill and diplomacy between China and the barbarian states. That way, they avoid war...

I propose LKY marry off his daughter to, say, Najib's son. That way, better diplomacy between Malaysia and Singapore. Decrease spending in defence. With the money saved, channel to increase welfare for the elderlies in Singapore...

It's a win-win for everyone....

Tiu Kwang Yew

dear kojak,

siao lah, increase spending on defence ?
sinkapore cannot go to war, only scare scare only, really war, all jialat.

small island cannot fight, every where is target, no need to aim, artillery just one general direction on sinkapore, and thats it.

indo and mat got time and land and food, no food and water, 10000 kuan yews also no use.

scare scare only.
i must bring you down to earth.



dear kojak,

siao lah, increase spending on defence ?
sinkapore cannot go to war, only scare scare only, really war, all jialat.

small island cannot fight, every where is target, no need to aim, artillery just one general direction on sinkapore, and thats it.

indo and mat got time and land and food, no food and water, 10000 kuan yews also no use.

scare scare only.
i must bring you down to earth.

I of course think that we are already over-spending on defence currently. I was merely using a counter argument to the other bro to show him that defence is a black hole. You can double your spending to say, at 10% of GDP and still feel insecure and want to increase some more...

Better to increase diplomacy and be friends so that all can decrease the defence spending together...


siao lah, increase spending on defence ?

Of course lah, another way is to follow the ancient China... marry off more "princesses" to the "barbarian states" so as to seal a "relationship" with them....

If LKY's daughter too old liao, can go for other MP's daughters mah... how about Wee Shu Min?



People just don't understand do they?

It is obvious that we are just posturing. Hell, that hardware will never be deployed and they know it.

The reason that defense spending is so large is so that all these war mongers are fully fed.

LKY has often in the past seen and learnt from the region, of rulers being deposed off by their generals. Worse, some were assasinated. He will never put himself in that position. Thus national budgets keeping these generals from turning on him.

Don't you notice of how people leaving the service given cushy jobs? Even the worse ranks are given jobs like school's operations managers. Ridiculous!


Please PAP dogs, dun mislead the public, US$52billion? US26 billion goes to the lees and their doggy general. How? CHEN SHIU BIAN style of course, inflating purchase, thats why SAF never breakdown how much they spend per weapon, you will be shock how much more we are paying. THINK, THINK & THINK.

Man in the streets

Singapore cannot last out a war.

Even if the gargantuan budget can see victory, it will be PYRRHIC VICTORY !

The war will be forever, the island will be worst than hell.

Scare -crow tactic will also has a fear price to pay for the younger generation.

There will be no peace if the obdurate -deterrent idea continues......worst.....billions will be fed into the mouths of the PAP generals and stooges, the taxpayers are at stake thus, and nothing to gain except fear factor.

Kojak is right, pacifism is the only key for long term survival, and yet maintaining a smaller -cheaper -capable defense.

52 billion spending is merely one ancient -relic paranioa, the peasants suffer at end result---the ends just cannot justify the crazy means.

It is the stupid voters that are brainwashed that the malay neighbors are hostile , and they still believe the PRcs are here to dilute the local malays who were not affected by the STOP AT TWO campaign.

The mental race riot is real with much fear factor instilled.
Keeping talking about racial harmony is one such reminder that race is still a problem in singapore.

Even the defense spending is politicised to win votes! Fuck !

cheers !
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Let's take a look at Finland, a 1st world country. It's a country of 5.2M, about the same pop as Singapore. Throughout its history, it has been at odds with Russia (Russia invaded them in WW2 and later, when Germany invaded Russia, Finland fought on the German's side).

According to Sipri, it's military spending in 2008 was US$2.8 Billion (1.2% of GDP).
We spent US$5.8 Billion, more than double Finland's....


Our military expenditure is more that Iran's. Iran spends US$6.2B. Now Iran is a much larger country with threatening neighbors (remember Iran Iraq war?)


London, May 31, IRNA
Iran-Defense Spending
Iran's defense budget remains a fraction of the expenditure of its Arab neighbors in the Persian Gulf in per capita terms, according to the latest edition of Military Balance.

The spending by Iran is also the least as a percentage of the country's gross national product (GNP) in the region with the exception of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Military Balance, published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, puts Iran's defense budget for 2005 at dlrs 6.2 billion.


I'm not saying we do away with defence totally. All I'm saying is, it's about time to examine the other priorities in our society esp in relation to our aging nation. You spend more money to buy guns you will have less money for butter. This is econ 101.

In my view, I think we have been too kiasu and over-defended ourselves....

If you are living in a big house with all the wealth kept there, would you sleep with your doors and windows open at night?

Singapore has the capacity to safeguard itself. You don't want to end up like Kuwait or East Timor. Without the feeling of security, will the people go about doing their work with a peace of mind?

Will your women and wives and daughters feel safe?


no lah, in sinkapore , FIBUA fighting no more in fashion.
everywhere HDB flats--smartbombs come , all die. FIBUA also no use.

so send troops overseas to show show and spend spend.
When they come back, they also cannot fight but learn to how fuck

you, i went ROC before--starlight, remember, what to learn from there to fight sinkapore?

when mats and indos want sinkapore, just stop food and water supply officially without any fighting and they can relax to see the PApees and the 66% pee in their pants.

52 billions are just a fucking waste---may be 500 million per year for defence is good enough---only to scare scare mats and indos.

this is an old ancient thinking---52 billions and local sporns live on debts for life.

NS and the hugh defense budget is to condition and domestcate the Ah Beng into a foul mouthed whiny loser who will wait in vain for a ballot ticket just to vote the PAP out which of course will happen as soon as pigs start flying. Notice how these local losers constantly whine about NS for locals and jobs for foreigners. Is this the heartware to match the billions on the defense budget? None of these losers will every fight and will turn tail and run at the first hint of trouble. Most of the bravado exhibited here is racial... against either the indians or Mats in the Malay archipelago. As a dying breed the local chinks have to realise that the FTs and minorities will soon lay a greater stake in society. Sinagpore will be distroyed from within and our neighbors will be around to pick up the pieces.


1) Must turn Muslim and wear tudong
2) Najib's son must want
3) Must get along with Rosmah

Lets call it national service


If that's the case, why stop at US$5-6Billion a year, then increase some more. Currently we are only spending 5% of GDP. Saudi Spent 10%. Double our expenditure immediately to US$10-12Billion...

If that is not "deterrent" enough, triple it to 15% of GDP, US$15-18Billion a year....

Sounds strong enough for you?

Dear Kojakbt,

Just for entertainment purposes.

If I am not mistaken, there is already a regional arms race that happened since the day Singapore was independent.

And the wealthier it get, the larger portion of it's budget is allocated to Defense.

For me, I am already an old fuck already, cannot charge up penkang hill, not even a gentle hill...

A country have to be strong in national defense first, BEFORE it can prosper.

That's how the roman empire grow. They have an army, way ahead of it's time, and it's counterparts barbarians in Europe then... and middle east... Roman empire even stretched to the northern portion of Africa.

and that's how roman back then have conquered 25% of the world.

(Not suggesting to say that Singapore is planning for world domination, however, to say that SGP is protecting itself from TAKE OVER)

To have a weak defense, would mean vulnerability against any attack from neighboring countries, eying on the goldmine. (in our context, our goldmine is our pristine economic infrastructure)

So the defense budget is solely reliant on the Government.

I don't know how much is enough, honestly... in order to know, I need to be at least be in the General's Position before I could have all these sensitive data, which I am already NOT qualified for, due to age, and qualifications.

However, transparency on the defense budget will leave the defense itself VULNERABLE to spies, enemies, etc...

A lot of you people in Singapore are well educated, however, I am really surprise on the part that you are not THINKING...

Leading me to a conclusion that most people in Singapore went through a great education system, however, failed to acquire the critical thinking abilities that really make you different.

Anyways, just my thinking... I believe the price to pay for national defense is a no.1 priority for any sovereign nation, and defense should not be reliant on other nation... worst is when you have no defense... read the history of mankind, perhaps you'll understand more.

One recommendation is History Channel and National Geography, so far these Channels provide a very good Historical Summary of mankind's arms race... the part on global peace is just a facade, every nation on earth are stocking up their weapons, and getting ready... just look around you.

remember, just for entertainment value, not to be taken seriously.


Kojak has the point right.

We are not talking about ridding defense in singapore, it would be stupid to do that.

The gist of the Kojak story ---have a capable and yet not expensive defense system.

It is the taxpayers monies that defray the overkill. Weapons have its obsolete factors, there is no end to it.

No one is saying we do away with the NS and its weapons, peasants will not live a happy life if we continue to have arm race with our neighbors.

Yes , kuwait is a lesson, your big wealth in your house needs protection but do we need to go overboard.

Overkill spending only saddles the country and its citizens.

Have a good deterrent force but think about the life of the peasants---we dont just live to prepare for war. It's paraniod to stash all the money waiting for war to come.

Even if the war does come, singapore has zero chance live another 50 years of prosperity. The hatred aftermath is eternal.

SAF is really spending too much. The high cost of living in the wake will kill singapore before we can unite against any aggressor.

Remember, our neighbors have vast land and food and water, Singapore has only HDB flats and the surreal high reserves and people, singapore has nothing to offer except may be some mediacock fionas, our neighbors have better things to do.

The high SAF overspending is just a paranoia. Vietcongs won back their land not becos of their expensive army, they fight simply with AK47, and with their heart........most of all.

PAP has the agenda behind this crazy spending, see for yourselves how much are the regulars paid per month, you will be shocked !!!



PAP has the agenda behind this crazy spending, see for yourselves how much are the regulars paid per month, you will be shocked !!!

Just for entertainment...

I am away from ARMY for many years...

Actually, how much does a regular earn monthly now a days?

thanks for your feedback.

I like your presentation and review! great job... 10 peasants to sustain 1 soldier in times of war, the economics is that, to have war, no body wins, both side loses...