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Chitchat Oppies Anyhow Defame Good PAP Candidate Ivan!


Alfrescian (Inf)
How about his adventures at Keppel? Ivan the Terrible. :biggrin:



He's not a criminal he's just rather obnoxious according to certain people who have had interactions with him. Being nasty does not stop a person from being an extremely competent leader.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were well known for being horrid to their subordinates too but both were highly successful visionaries.

If I recall PAP once dropped a suspected sexual deviant Steve Tan in one of the GEs at the last minute.

Scrooball (clone)

He's not a criminal he's just rather obnoxious according to certain people who have had interactions with him. Being nasty does not stop a person from being an extremely competent leader.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were well known for being horrid to their subordinates too but both were highly successful visionaries.

If we are going to put him in a payroll for a million dollar salary, I think we are entitled to elect someone whom we perceive as likable at the very least.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If we are going to put him in a payroll for a million dollar salary, I think we are entitled to elect someone whom we perceive as likable at the very least.

Don't worry about that: the 158th media will make him very likeable and relatable. After all, perceptions... what you perceive, is easily manipulated. :wink:


He's not a criminal he's just rather obnoxious according to certain people who have had interactions with him. Being nasty does not stop a person from being an extremely competent leader.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were well known for being horrid to their subordinates too but both were highly successful visionaries.
But Steve and Bill are not politician


He's not a criminal he's just rather obnoxious according to certain people who have had interactions with him. Being nasty does not stop a person from being an extremely competent leader.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were well known for being horrid to their subordinates too but both were highly successful visionaries.
Yes. When running a company that everyone livihood is dependent on your ultimate decision that decide the coy fate.
For his case no. Rather he is being chosen as a team member or parachute into in without any credible credential to his name.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
But Steve and Bill are not politician

The title does not matter. What is far more important is whether not the person is competent and it is a known fact that the PAP chooses only the best as their candidates.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Yes. When running a company that everyone livihood is dependent on your ultimate decision that decide the coy fate.
For his case no. Rather he is being chosen as a team member or parachute into in without any credible credential to his name.

While he may be part of a team this time round he could well go on to become one of the best PMs Singapore will ever see.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
If we are going to put him in a payroll for a million dollar salary, I think we are entitled to elect someone whom we perceive as likable at the very least.

LKY was hardly "likeable" but he was by far the most influential and capable Singaporean that the country has ever produced.


THE infamous IVan the Terrible. When workers heard he is PAP candidate to take care and help people of Sinagpore .ROFL.......