America forgot about WW2 where China with barely any arms from USA and with single shot bolt rifles and swords and bare hands fought and killed 3,000,000 Japanese invaders?
And USA needed no less than aircraft carriers and battleships and planes and artilleries and automatic rifles to kill 300,000 Japs in the Pacific?
Or Korean War where China with single shot bolt action rifles drove USA and all her allies when USA firepower 100 times greater than China and fighting with automatic weapons and artillery and battleships with 16 inch guns .
The military might and strength of USA with heavy artillery and planes and tanks and battleships with 16 inch guns cannot be resisted by China with economy slightly out of stone age and with single shot bolt action rifles. Bolt operated rifles were just one stage above using muzzle loading muskets and black powder.
That Chinese be slaughtered and turned into red pulp should they dare to fight good old Dugout in Korea.
Chinese whacked USA and the UN combined that they had to flee south of the Parallel as demanded by China.Chinese fought with bolt operated rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and battleships with 16″ guns.
Go read the book by
David Halberstam
The Coldest Winter
Look on the front line at 24 Nov 1950 and the front line of 16 Dec 1950.
It took China only twenty days and less to do that push down to 38 parallel fighting USA and the UN combined who had 100 times and more of the firepower of China.
And what about Vietnam?
USA firepower at least 100 times that of Vietnam and China combined?
With all the 'Murican supposed military might, 'Muricans won only three wars since WW2.
'Muricans might not even have won WW2 if not for Stalin taking on and killing the vast bulk of Werhmach soldiers and war machinery in Russia and Europe and China taking on and killing 3,000,000 Japs in China leaving USA to take out 300,000 Japs in Pacific.
Yah! the 3 wars 'Muricans won were against Nicaragua and Grenanda and Panama

Yanks use psychological warfare and propaganda to boost their image.
their poodles vassals and stooges together number 1 billion ppl or more.
in reality, yanks
in their entire history could
never fight, defeat and smash a country that was
at least 10 times as populous as them.
in short, population size matters when you count national might
and despite that, yank performance isn't exemplary
they rely on numbers and isolation from the bulk of the world (eurasia+africa) to conduct wars against weakened countries, but precisely because they are isolated from eurasia+africa, there is all the more reason to drop 5,000 nukes on them to incinerate them altogether
first, before eliminating yankees from the planet.
nuclear radiation on yankee territory should not affect much of the world, maybe some poor mexicans on the border need to be given advanced warning.
even norkies can build ICBM and nuclear bombs,
no reason for countries like Iran (with its shia agenda) or Turkey (with no clear direction apparently, neither an Ottoman agenda, not an Islamic agenda, not a secular agenda, or a Turkic superstate agenda or ... no clear agenda at all)
not to build nuclear bombs and ICBMs, and stock pile enough of them (at least 5000 warheads and sufficient delivery vehicles/ICBM). they should build the bomb, build ICBM, and stockpile enuff of them to ensure all outsiders (yanks russkies or whatever) are expelled from the wider Middle eastern theater - by force if necessary
utterly stupid of 80 million populated countries like turkey or 80 million populated countries like Iran to try to go toe to toe with yanks or russkies in their own region.
stupid games are costing millions of innocent Muslims in the
only overwhelming Muslim majority region of the world to suffer immensely, deaths, destruction, torture, indescribable sufferings of all sorts.
utterly stupid are the iranian leaderships and turkish leaderships - both of them.
malaysia with too many kafir bastards (mostly chinks - hope that the bulk of them are eliminated with wuhan virus) and too few Muslims can't do much. anywhere you see kafir amongst muslims, you know for a fact that they would backstab Muslims. happens and happened in egypt, in indonesia, in lebanon, in bangla, in kazakhstan, in nigeria, in syria.
you get the drift.
the three strongest Muslim majority countries are Iran, turkey and Pakistan,
precisely, because they are the three biggest (most populous) countries where the popn' is
overwhelmingly (almost 100%) Muslim. also mostly Caucasoid populations. the best combos. almost entirely Caucasoid + almost entirely Muslim.
just not enough ppl to go around, that's the problem. tiongkok alone got 1400 million chinks! ah nehs got another 1300m stinking saffron terrorists ! yanks alone got 330 m or so kafir amidst their popn. incl europa and all other westerners u got over 1000 million kafir there too.
what can iran with 80 million ppl or turkey with 80 million ppl do? not today, not in 10 years, not in the next 20 years, not in the next 50 years, not in the next 100 years can they begin to match any of these bigger powers, leave alone domination of them.
building the bomb is the right solution, right now, today.
and unlike Pakistan, which has no ICBM as of today and can't build them, because with ICBM and enuff nuclear bombs, pakistan could have simply told the yanks to sod off from afghanistan and closed all supply routes to afghanistan through their territory. they can't do that coz while pakis have nukes, they have no means of delivering enuf nukes to continental yankeeland, since they have no ICBM that can travel 12,000 km or more.
like this
must add
iranian regime
consists of some extra stupid leaders
no doubts about it
if you are accused of building the bomb,
if you are punished (sanctioned isolated threats of invasion embargo etc etc etc the list is too long to mention)
you might as well build the bomb in huge numbers (over 5000 warheads) and test the bomb + ICBM (this is important since if you are like Pakistan which has nukes but no ICBM to deliver the nukes on yankee homeland, then you got no deterrence. Pakistani make-belief story that they can build ICBM is not credible since if they could have done so, it makes eminent sense to have done so
already and avoided all the chaos sufferings instability and deaths and destruction during the last 15 or so years on their own homeland)
by testing ICBM+ stockpiling adequate number of nukes, pakistan could have simply asked the yankees to sod off from afghanistan and blocked all supply routes to afghanistan.
would the yanks have asked iran for access to afghanistan?
ergo, it stands to reason that pakistan got their ballistic missile tech from china (and north korea for liquid fuelled nodong/ghauri ballistic missiles) which is why they can't (publicly) test ICBM (tiongs are reluctant to share this tech with pakistan bcoz tiongs dont want yankee homeland to be nuked. remember it is tiongs who purchased yankee t-bills in huge numbers and it is tiongkok who saved yankees after 2008 financial crisis) and remember it is tiongs who support and approve yankee presence in afghanistan and it is tiongs who recognize zionists. russkies recognize zionist entity coz most zionists are actually emigrants from russkies own homeland, coz jews in russkie territory got huge influence. puting also became their obedient poodle.

otherwise can't remain in power.).
u see, all in all, none of these countries are
great powers, or superpowers
none of these countries have the
potential to be great powers or superpowers either.
not big enough populations, not talented enuff populations, not talented enuff leaderships, poor work ethic, little high tech exports or high tech sector, low quality publications in sci tech areas, little citations per person in sci tech disciplines either.
not good enuff.