• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Online users express anger towards Chan Chun Sing over his remarks of calling people “idiots” and “disgraceful”


Keechiu had great fun. :o-o::confused::tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

We had great fun on our Durian Tour to Johor! It was fantastic to join 600 of Our Tanjong Pagar and Radin Mas Constituency residents on this incredible trip together.

My Buona Vista



Keechiu congratulates Gardens By The Bay. :wink:

Chan Chun Sing

Congratulations to Gardens by the Bay for the successful launch of the Hidden Forest and 5G Digital Learning Trails! From interactive digital learning trials to augmented reality experiences, technology has the power to make learning more engaging, immersive and accessible for our students.
Together with 18 Primary Four students from Nan Chiau Primary School, we experienced the 5G Digital Learning Trails and used smart devices to participate in a variety of activities designed to enhance students' learning journey. Produced in partnership with M1 and with support from Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore, the digital trails support Gardens by the Bay's efforts to go green by bringing nature and sustainability concepts closer to students.
The 5G digital trails are currently being piloted with selected schools and will be officially rolled out in July 2024.



Keechiu celebrates Youth Day. :biggrin:

Chan Chun Sing

Heard music coming out of Gardens by the Bay?
Over 1,700 student performers showcased their passion in music and dance, against the lush and beautiful backdrop of The Gardens, as part of the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) 2024 celebrations.
Hope that our students had fun and will forge long lasting friendships through this shared experience of the arts. My thanks as well to our teachers, who nurtured their creativity and confidence, and worked hard together with our students.
Celebrating Youth Day with all our young friends!



Keechiu met Ms Tan. :wink:

Chan Chun Sing

1 July at 17:22 ·
Pleasure to meet many of our residents during my house visit last evening.
Amongst them was Ms Tan Lay Sang. A weightlifting athlete
, she thanked My Buona Vista team for the special permission she received during the Covid-19 pandemic to continue her weightlifting training at the multi-storey car park. She shared that this allowance helped her maintain her physical and mental well-being through a challenging time.
Thank you for sharing your inspiring story.
It also reminded us of the importance of supporting our community members with their unique needs.



Keechiu is not surprised. :rolleyes::eek::roflmao:

Chan Chun Sing

Are we surprised by the current state of affairs in the world?
I spoke about this at Institute of Policy Studies - IPS's launch of Professor Joseph Liow’s book, “Navigating Uncertainty: Our Region in an Age of Flux” this evening.
I believe the writing has been on the wall for some time. We are in an age of uncertainty.
Geopolitical tensions persist, as countries tussle for greater global influence. Rules which once protected sovereignty, preserved peace and promoted economic prosperity face fragmentation.
We can yield to these forces – and hope the odds will be in our favor.
Or we can exercise leadership, look at our challenges squarely in the eye and address them with transparency and resolve.
We can choose to take care of our people - by investing in our education and training, and ensuring equitable access to the fruits of economic growth. We can also choose to strengthen Singapore’s relevance in the world, by working with other like-minded partners on new areas of cooperation.
Taking sides in a polarised world is unconstructive. It takes a lot more effort to transcend divides, bridge differences and find opportunities for collaboration.
But that is the only way we will change the plot line, break the cycle of fragmentation and foster peace and stability.



Keechiu thanks everyone. :smile:

Chan Chun Sing

At the People's Association Family PLAY Ground event! It was a day filled with fun, laughter, and great community spirit. I especially enjoyed taking up the NERF challenge with Yu Hong – what an exciting experience!
Thank you to everyone who came out and made this event special.



Keechiu feels joyful. :o-o::confused::tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

Our volunteers are full of zest and ideas. It's always a joy to see our community coming together, sharing experiences and building connections.
If you’re passionate about making positive impact and want to be more involved in helping to take care of our community, do consider joining My Buona Vista volunteer group.
Together, we can create a more vibrant and caring neighbourhood.
