Where’s triple 5? Camel? Benson & Hedges?
I remembered there was also a brand called Abdullah 37.
Where’s triple 5? Camel? Benson & Hedges?
in my kampong both the chinese and malay can get along very well,sometimes while walking along the dirt road bypassing the malay kampongs if you are lucky you can see the pretty minahs in their sarong helping their mother with the laundry and drying the clothes..
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a much better sight to look at when i follow my dad to the wet market looking at the aunties still in their pyjamas..
Yes that time provision shop home delivery is free for neighborhood.and my father operate a small provision shop in my kampong and everytime now and them i would help myself with the bottle drink
I remembered there was also a brand called Abdullah 37.
Yes. Craven A too. I missed those sarabat stalls!
Policemen in New Singapore are also wearing shorts.
I would love to have this in my kitchen as dislplay items.View attachment 59501
and entice the gambling addicts in our kampong with this tikam tikam games in our shop.