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Old fat cow Rui En went to Bible School to "rediscover herself".


Alfrescian (Inf)
She gives a farking self-entitled SPG vibes. Must be avoided like a plague and dump by men many times til she wants to be a nun, now no choice turn to AMDK 'God' to find solace. Damn xia suay Chinese only for embracing such ranjiao Abrahamic religions meant for middle east and European countries.

She is born on 29 January 1981, an Aquarius, known for being radical and Kwai lan itchy backside kind of masculine lady.
This type is destined to be single for life.

The only cure for her would be several rounds of good anal sex which would tong her 'Chi' and open up her chakras.

Aqua girls are alright lah, they are just a bit more bohemian and eccentric.

I get them, and they like me. :biggrin:


Going bible school.does not really rediscover yourself. It just trying to do something,trying to make see yourself from different angle.


She rediscovered that once she's a slut, she'll always be a slut. No amount of praying and studying the bible can change it.