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Netizens told ex-actor CCM his sickly face spoils ppl's appetite.


He should take a leaf from @sbfuncle.

Even a once "John Lone" possesses the depth of humility to admit he is now a karchng bin. :notworthy:

However, all is not lost even if a handsome man becomes a karchng bin. As the saying goes, a broken boat still possesses 3 pounds of nails. Macik will offer to suck your cock.:biggrin:
Well said and definitely need to add to your points :thumbsup::geek:


Recently watched a YouTube vid on past life karma. I remember this sibeh yandao Thai actor who acted in a late 90s Thai horror movie nang nak.. He got afflicted with a weird autoimmune disease and lost all his good looks and became super sickly.

View attachment 207133

Some Thai monks looked into his last life and said he killed 7 people and must try to make up to them in this life to repay his karma debt.

His health improved slightly after his best friend located and arranged meetings with 6 of them. But the last person refused to meet him because she was now a devout Muslim and don't believe in reincarnation. The actor eventually died earlier this year after years of pain and suffering. Incredible and sad story
AutoImmune disease, dun play play
Very hard to control even with pro help


Netizen should also tell this fat pig, see his face no appetite. Where the fuck did his confidence come from to think that he can influence anyone with his video?
