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Not blue pill.. but laughter's best medicine


Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
An Indian Doctor was going fishing. He calls his assistant, Thambi..

"Listen, I am going away tomorrow, but want to keep my clinic open. Can I ask you to take care of the patients?”

Thambi said, “Yes, sir."

The doctor went fishing and upon returning the next day, he asked Thambi:

"So Thambi, how was your day?”

Thambi told the doctor, he took care of 3 patients in the clinic.

"The first one had headache and I gave the patient, TYLENOL."

"Phavoh Thambi, and the second one?"

"The second one had stomach pain and I gave him MAALOX, sir."

"Phavoh Thambi. That is correct. And what about the third patient?" asked the doctor.

"Sir, I was sitting when suddenly the clinic door opened. A sexy woman came in, took off her bra and slipped off her undies." said Thambi

"OIYOH KADEH VALEH...then she laid on your table and shouted, ‘Help me. I have not seen a man for 3 years.”

The doctor was startled and asked Thambi, "So what did you do to the patient?"

"I put eye drops in her eyes sir!!!


Super Moderator
Staff member
An Indian Doctor was going fishing. He calls his assistant, Thambi..

"Listen, I am going away tomorrow, but want to keep my clinic open. Can I ask you to take care of the patients?”

Thambi said, “Yes, sir."

The doctor went fishing and upon returning the next day, he asked Thambi:

"So Thambi, how was your day?”

Thambi told the doctor, he took care of 3 patients in the clinic.

"The first one had headache and I gave the patient, TYLENOL."

"Phavoh Thambi, and the second one?"

"The second one had stomach pain and I gave him MAALOX, sir."

"Phavoh Thambi. That is correct. And what about the third patient?" asked the doctor.

"Sir, I was sitting when suddenly the clinic door opened. A sexy woman came in, took off her bra and slipped off her undies." said Thambi

"OIYOH KADEH VALEH...then she laid on your table and shouted, ‘Help me. I have not seen a man for 3 years.”

The doctor was startled and asked Thambi, "So what did you do to the patient?"

"I put eye drops in her eyes sir!!!

Wah that Thambi is damn power doctor!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Rain and fishing?

The rain was pouring down heavily in M.G.Road, Bengaluru.

And standing in front of a big puddle outside a pub, was an old Uncle, drenched, holding a stick, with a piece of string dangling in the water.

Arun, a passer-by stopped and asked, "What are you doing, uncle?"

"Fishing" replied the old man.

Feeling sorry for the old man, Arun said, "Come out of the rain and have a drink with me, uncle."

In the warmth of the pub, as they sip their whiskies, Arun cannot resist asking, "So how many fish have you caught today?"

"You're the eighth" says the old man


Alfrescian (Inf)

Hong Kong takeover
China just passed a new national security law in Hong Kong, sparking fear and controversy.