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NJC alumni lip lai and see!


If you extend the list in 1979 to show the other students, you can also see Lui "Next Bus Passenger" Tuck Yew, Vivian "Hentah Kaki" Balakrishnan and Sammyboy forummer Kuanti01. :o :biggrin:

Maximilian "Vicious Circle" Chua-Heng is which year hah? :biggrin:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
If you extend the list in 1979 to show the other students, you can also see Lui "Next Bus Passenger" Tuck Yew, Vivian "Hentah Kaki" Balakrishnan and Sammyboy forummer Kuanti01. :o :biggrin:

Maximilian "Vicious Circle" Chua-Heng is which year hah? :biggrin:

You mean No porn water logged LUI, Half-bola Vivien??


He was in Hwa Chong, just across the road from NJC, maybe secretly dating HJ in his school days, sitting on the pavillion outside Wattern Estate, and maybe playing the 9 holes golf that was there...and eating at the food kiosk near the bus stop.... heh heh heh

Pinky was from NJC lah! But I'm surprised he didn't come up tops for his cohort.

Maximilian Chua-Heng

Speaking of the 70s....


Sorry can't help it! From Mr Brown.com... :p



I "student of the year" even before some of them were born, they were still swimming in their father's balls!
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LHL is the first on the list lah.................this is just one of the few boards displayed above the stage at the NJC hall. How I know? I'm an NJCian too............


Alfrescian (Inf)
He was in Hwa Chong, just across the road from NJC, maybe secretly dating HJ in his school days, sitting on the pavillion outside Wattern Estate, and maybe playing the 9 holes golf that was there...and eating at the food kiosk near the bus stop.... heh heh heh

After a brilliant 13-year career in the Singapore Armed Forces Lee Hsien Loong (born 1952) was elected a member of Parliament for Teck Ghee in 1984, winning more than 80 percent of the vote. In October 1990 he became deputy prime minister to Goh Chok Tong.

Lee Hsien Loong, the eldest son of Singapore's former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew, was born in Singapore on February 10, 1952. Lee had an outstanding record as a student. He received his primary and secondary school education at the Catholic High School in Singapore, which required students to be proficient in both English and Mandarin. In addition to these two languages, he was proficient in Malay and had also studied Russian. He attended the National Junior College for his pre-university education and was awarded the president's scholarship in 1970 and the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) scholarship in 1971 for his academic prowess.

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/lee-hsien-loong#ixzz1MpqweD6f


Jeanette Aw is also from NJC. No awards though, thank heavens. After hitting the grand age of 30 she opened to the idea of stripping to last longer in the showbiz industry. What a disgrace.

Aunties should be more realistic with themselves.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you extend the list in 1979 to show the other students, you can also see Lui "Next Bus Passenger" Tuck Yew, Vivian "Hentah Kaki" Balakrishnan and Sammyboy forummer Kuanti01. :o :biggrin:

Maximilian "Vicious Circle" Chua-Heng is which year hah? :biggrin:

Bro, gimme a break leh! I very low profile & under-achieving one compared to these very illustrious & ministerial titans.