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NJC alumni lip lai and see!

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
ho ching: temasek holding
yap hui kim: NTU professor
lim khiang wee: A*STAR director
goh chuen jin: AP of NUS and aussie uni, BOD of SMPL
lee hsien yang: ex-singtel c.e.o. CAAS and F&N chairman (concurrent appointment)
han juat jong: lawyer
chen show mao: Current MP + top notch corporate lawyer
cheah wai yee: doctor from Family Care Clinic & Surgery's
yap hui ann christine: OGSS council member
Dr. Victor Wee-Teck Chua :Healthcare Practice Leader and co-Founder of Candesic
seah geok teng: NUS prof
chia shi lu: MP
richard lim kai chuan: Navy Major


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dunno, but I bet these few days you are happier than Vivian. :wink:

Oh yes. Very much happier than V these days but would have been happier if he returns to his opthalmology practice as head of the National Eye Centre!:biggrin:


Oh yes. Very much happier than V these days but would have been happier if he returns to his opthalmology practice as head of the National Eye Centre!:biggrin:

We would all be happier to see him wading in the flood waters and peering into potted plants trying to spot mosquitoes. :biggrin: