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NJC alumni lip lai and see!

Maximilian Chua-Heng

This guy's name (circled) ring a bell to you?



Alfrescian (Inf)
Not 100% sure because cannot see the full name below. But is Muhammad Faisal same name as the Worker Party Faisal.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Back when NJC first opened it was THE 1st junior college & a magnet for bright students. It was the RI of those days. Now of course it's just another college.

So it's not surprising to see many famous & infamous citizens among the alumni .


Alfrescian (Inf)
How come Pinky's name wasn't on the list?

He was in Hwa Chong, just across the road from NJC, maybe secretly dating HJ in his school days, sitting on the pavillion outside Wattern Estate, and maybe playing the 9 holes golf that was there...and eating at the food kiosk near the bus stop.... heh heh heh


Alfrescian (Inf)
He was in Hwa Chong, just across the road from NJC, maybe secretly dating HJ in his school days, sitting on the pavillion outside Wattern Estate, and maybe playing the 9 holes golf that was there...and eating at the food kiosk near the bus stop.... heh heh heh

Agree. They dated back then.

Often see them rabba rabba at the A&W there in middle of road binya.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Agree. They dated back then.

Often see them rabba rabba at the A&W there in middle of road binya.

Enccik...A&W have to walk some distance, maybe at the park right hand side, near to Ng Teng Fong House or the park at the back of NJC at Hillcrest Rd...you minium root beer with Chivas there??