Just realised that my good cholesterol has gone down to 1.39. :(
Feeling old and wanning. Not that I am as old as in many in the cabinet, but I am also feeling exhausted, tired of what PAP has done to this country and its people. All these years, Singaporeans have witnessed how all these PUPPET, in white, were making a fool of themselves and our lifestyle. Singaporeans are getting sick and weak now, and this coming ND rally from LHL is another repetition of his joke in the making. I did not watch NDP, I did not listen to PM's ND message. I simply switched off all channels coming from PAP on National day and only than I can find myself in the most thereupeutic moment away from crappy news.
My point is, how to up my good cholesterol level
Feeling old and wanning. Not that I am as old as in many in the cabinet, but I am also feeling exhausted, tired of what PAP has done to this country and its people. All these years, Singaporeans have witnessed how all these PUPPET, in white, were making a fool of themselves and our lifestyle. Singaporeans are getting sick and weak now, and this coming ND rally from LHL is another repetition of his joke in the making. I did not watch NDP, I did not listen to PM's ND message. I simply switched off all channels coming from PAP on National day and only than I can find myself in the most thereupeutic moment away from crappy news.
My point is, how to up my good cholesterol level